Vainikka & Levy (1996)

Yonata Levy msyonata at
Sun Feb 27 07:59:15 UTC 2000

Dear Anna Do,
Vainikka and Levy/ Empty subjects in Finnish and Hebrew
was published in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 1999, 17, 613-671.
Hope you'll find it helpful!

Do wrote:

> Does anyone know how I can obtain a copy of Vainikka, Anne & Levy, Yonata
> (1996) 'Empty subjects in Finish and Hebrew,' The University of
> Pennsylvania and The Hebrew University: manuscript ? Or does anyone
> have a copy of this manuscript? They talk about Principle of Obligatory
> Occupant Licensing (POOL) in their article.
> I'm not sure whether it is published since then, but this is how I know.
> If any of you knows the above reference, please let me know.
> Many thanks,
> ______________________________
> Anna H. Do
> Applied Linguistics Program
> Boston University

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