early phonological development
Stefanie Brosda
brosda at icp.inpg.fr
Sun Jan 30 12:12:08 UTC 2000
hi susanne -
i think you would be very interested in a project that has been carried
out in kiel, germany between 1989 - 1994, it was called "the kiel project
on the development of phonological coding capacities".
within this framework, data from 8 children were recorded, onset of data
collection differed beween 7 and 13 months, data was collected until
respective ages between 14 and 27 months.
in order to get details and bibl. references you might want to get in
touch with thorsten piske, who's phd work was part of the project:
Piske at anglistik.uni-kiel.de
here's just some references (i suppose you read/are german) :
thorsten piske (1998), artikulatorische muster und ihre entwicklung im
L1-lauterwerb, dissertation zur erlangung des doktorgrades der
philosophischen fakultaet der christian-albrecht-universitaet zu kiel
(it's not limited to articulation considerations as you might think when
reading the title; but it takes into account the interaction between the
two levels: phonological/mental coding and articulations capacities)
thorsten piske (1997), phonological organization in early speech
production: evidence for the importance of articulatory patterns,
speech communication 22, 279-295
brit krueger (1998), produktionsvaration im fruehen lauterwerb: eine
typologie kindlicher abweichungen von modellwoertern, dissertation zur
erlangung des doktorgrades der philosophischen fakultaet der
christian-albrecht-universitaet zu kiel
best wishes,
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Stefanie BROSDA
Institut de la Communication Parlee / INPG
46, Av. Felix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex 1
Tel: (+33) 4 76 57 48 27
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Fax: (+33) 4 76 57 47 10
E-mail: brosda at icp.inpg.fr
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