dissertation publishing

Shanley E. M. Allen shanley at bu.edu
Mon Jan 31 22:28:20 UTC 2000

Note that several recent books in the Benjamins "Language Acquisition and
Language Disorders" series are actually revised dissertations, including at
least those by Juffs, Allen, and Brinkmann (the ones that I know off the
top of my head).  As a linguist, I doubt that my "dissertation-book" will
count very much for tenure (though this depends on the university).
However, I think it's good to have in libraries, and this format is much
more accessible for people than trying to get a copy of my dissertation,
even though the price is a bit steep (about USD 75).

Shanley Allen.

Shanley E. M. Allen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Boston University
Developmental Studies Department, School of Education
Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics
address: School of Education
         605 Commonwealth Avenue
         Boston, Massachusetts
         U.S.A.  02215
phone: +1-617-358-0354
fax: +1-617-353-3924
e-mail: shanley at bu.edu
office number: SED 332

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