Down Syndrome
Miquel-Jordi Strubell Trueta
mstrubell at
Mon Jun 19 09:23:04 UTC 2000
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Benvolgut Antonio,
The Down Syndrome Foundation here in Barcelona has suggested you
try and contact the following address:
hesketh at (Linda J. Hesketh)
Good luck and .... salutacions cordials.
Miquel Strubell i Trueta
<font face='Comic Sans MS' size='2' color='black'>
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Director adjunt dels Estudis d'Humanitats i Filologia
carrer de la Diputació, 219, 5è
Tel. (+34)932532444; Fax (+34)934539484
a/e: mstrubell at
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Tema: request for information
Data: 10:21:10 08/06/2000
De: Antonio M. Ferrer Manchón
A: info-childes at
We need in our works about Language in Down Syndrome to mention
correctly the papers "Fast Mapping of verbs by children with
Down Syndrome: effects of same or changing object contexts"
AND "Down Syndrome individuals' digit recall temporal aspects"
made in the Waisman Center by Chapman, Hye-Kyeung et al.
We have tried to contact Mr. Chapman but we have not answer. So,
does anyone know the right information to mention these works
appropiately? (when and where they were published).
Thanks in advance.
Antonio M. Ferrer Manchón
Unidad de Investigación Acceso
Universitat de Valencia
C/Artes Graficas 13, 46010 Valencia
Tel: 96-386 4135
Fax: 96-386 4758
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