signing in hearing children
Marilyn Vihman
m.vihman at
Thu Mar 30 09:16:10 UTC 2000
In response to Bencie's useful distinction between non-symbolic gestures
and linguistic signs - and as an addition to the very informative note from
Adele Abrahamsen a few days ago, I refer those interested to Chapter 6, on
the Transition to language, in my book, Phonological Development
(Blackwell, 1996), where I discuss gesture along with protowords and early
(context-based) words in relation to referential word use.
-marilyn vihman
Marilyn M. Vihman |
Professor, Developmental Psychology | /\
School of Psychology | / \/\
University of Wales, Bangor, | /\/ \ \
The Brigantia Building | / \ \
Penrallt Road, Bangor |/ =======\=\
LL572AS |
tel. 44 (0)1248 383 775 | B A N G O R
FAX 382 599 |
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