"Childes --> PRAAT" Demo at BU Conference
Barbara Zurer Pearson
bpearson at comdis.umass.edu
Thu Nov 2 07:08:26 UTC 2000
Dear Info-childes/BU attendees:
We have organized an informal demonstration session
for people at the BU Conference who would be interested
in seeing PRAAT* in action.
Lunch Hour (1-2 pm)
Terrace Lounge (where Session C takes place)
George Sherman Union at Boston University,
Commonwealth Ave at the BU Bridge
KAREN RATHBUN of Brown University
will show how she uses some of the
capabilities of PRAAT in her lab.
Others are welcome to chime in.
(Bring a box lunch.)
I want to thank the BU organizers for making the space
available to us. Everyone (and anyone) is welcome,
but we make no claims for the session. We are not
affiliated with the lab that created the programs, and
none of us is expert in them. Karen has given demonstrations
for research assistants in her lab; Joe Pater has volunteered
to come and kibbitz. Additional kibbitzers are welcome, as
are people who just want to eat their lunch in a clean,
well-lighted place.
See you there.
Barbara Pearson,
Rank Novice at PRAAT
*Following is the original notice from Brian MacWhinney
about the link between CHILDES and PRAAT.
>>To: info-childes at mail.talkbank.org
>>Cc: paul.boersma at hum.uva.nl
>>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Sep 2000 23:29:08.0653 (UTC)
Dear Info-CHILDES,
Thanks to guidance from Paul Boersma, it is now possible to send a sound
clip from a CHAT file to the Praat sound analysis program. To do this, you
must have a CHAT file with audio segments marked by bullets. You must have
Praat installed. You can get Praat from
You must have a brand-new version of CLAN. Praat must be running when you
do this. You then place your cursor before the segment you wish to analyse
and pull down the Mode menu and select "Send to Praat" Then you analyze the
clip in Praat.
Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph.D.
Project Manager, NIH Working Group on AAE
Department of Communication Disorders
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
117 Arnold House
Amherst MA 01003
fax 545-0803
bpearson at comdis.umass.edu
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