If you be good...
E. O. Batchelder
eleanorb at human.tsukuba.ac.jp
Mon Nov 13 01:14:34 UTC 2000
Dear Paula:
Just for the record, I posed the question. I am a native English speaker,
and am doing research in Japan. A graduate student in linguistics here,
who is a native Japanese speaker, comes to me for native-speaker judgments,
and presented the sentence in question. I remembered this (as a
collocation/idiom) from my childhood.
I don't think it's a question of dialect, since I don't think anybody
believes these are particularly productive. Just a frozen corner of
English that some of us have, and it's not clear whether this is a function
of area, or age, or neither, or both!
I received opinions on this matter from 16 people -- thanks very much, all!
-- and forwarded them to the graduate student. I hope he'll have a summary
forthcoming at some point.
Eleanor Olds Batchelder, Ph. D.
Institute of Psychology, University of Tsukuba
[an alternate email address is: eleanor at abacus.hunter.cuny.edu]
voice: 0298-53-7376
Mail address: Azuma 4-16-4-401
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN 305-0031
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