position posting
Stephen M. Camarata
stephen.m.camarata at vanderbilt.edu
Wed Oct 11 00:08:48 UTC 2000
Child Language Faculty Position Description
Assistant Professor. The Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences at
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine is pleased to announce a newly
created tenure line faculty position in the to begin in Fall, 2001.
Candidates' teaching and research interests should focus on child language
acquisition and disorders. Specialization can include, but is not limited
to: autism, developmental disabilities, specific language impairment,
neurological processes of language development and/or disorders.
Responsibilities include limited teaching duties and development of
research program in area of specialization. Applicants should have a
background in child language and an earned doctorate in Psychology,
Linguistics, Speech Pathology, Special Education or Related Discipline.
Although CCC-SLP is desirable, certification is not required and no
clinical supervision is expected. The Department of Hearing & Speech
Sciences is housed in the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center, a nationally
recognized rehabilitation clinic and research center. The successful
candidate will have an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues in
Pediatrics, Psychology, Special Education, and Human Development studying
child language development and disorders and will be eligible for
appointment as an Investigator in the John F. Kennedy Center for Research
on Human Development. Salary and benefits will be competitive and
commensurate with qualifications, a generous start up package will be
available. Vanderbilt University is committed to faculty diversity and all
qualified candidates, regardless of race, religion, or gender are
encouraged to apply. Vanderbilt University is an Equal Employment
Opportunity/Affirmative action University. Review of applications will
begin on December 15, 2000 and continue until the position is filled. To
make application, a letter of intent include areas of research interest, a
CV, and three letters of reference should be forwarded to: Stephen
Camarata, PhD, Acting Director, John F. Kennedy Center for Research on
Human Development, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Hearing & Speech
Sciences, Station 17, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville
Tennessee 37232. Dr. Camarata can also be contacted at 615-322-8242 or at
stephen.m.camarata at vanderbilt.edu.
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