Susanne Miyata
smiyata at asu.aasa.ac.jp
Mon Apr 9 12:02:06 UTC 2001
The Third Annual Conference
of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2001)
June 23 (Sat.)- 24 (Sun.), 2001
Japan Women's University
** Call for Participation **
Conference Dates/ Location
The Third Conference of the Japanese Society for Language
Sciences will be held as follows:
(1) June 23 (Sat.)- 24 (Sun.), 2001
(2) Japan Women's University, Nishi-Ikuta Campus
Kawasaki-City [30 minutes by train from downtown Tokyo]
Plenary Lecture
William O'Grady
(University of Hawai'i at Manoa)
"Language Acquisition and Language Loss"
Special Lecture
Tetsuo Suga
(Japan Women's University)
"Solving the Riddle of Language Acquisition"
(Including a demonstration of the
Multi-Language Acquiring System MLAS)
"Issues in Japanese Bilingual Education"
Organizer: Emiko Yukawa (Notre Dame Women's College of Kyoto)
Kazuko Nakajima (Toronto University)
"The Construct of L1 and L2 Oral Proficiency among Portu-
guese-speaking Children in Japanese Schools"
Hideyuki Taura (Fukui Medical University)
"Maintaining L2 Literacy in Japanese Returnees"
Takashi Torigoe (Hyogo University of Teacher Education)
"Bilingualism in deaf education: Signed and spoken languages"
Emiko Yukawa (Notre Dame Women's College of Kyoto)
"Input, output, and interaction in elementary school English
classrooms in Japan"
Discussant: Suzanne Quay (International Christian University)
"Bilingualism in Japan for Foreigners, Returnees, Deaf
Children, and Elementary-school Students: A Summary of
Educational Considerations"
Paper Presentations (currently under review)
Domestic participants:
Registration fee Member Non-member
(paid in full by June 1, 2001) 3,500 yen 5,500 yen
Late registration/on-site 5,000 yen 7,000 yen
registration (after June 2, 2001)
Conference handbook 2,000 yen 3,000 yen
Reception 3,000 yen 3,000 yen
Overseas participants:
Registration fee Member Non-member
(paid in full by June 1, 2001) US$30.00 US$50.00
Late registration/on-site US$45.00 US$60.00
registration (after June 2, 2001)
Conference handbook US$17.00 US$25.00
Reception US$25.00 US$25.00
Individuals who apply for membership on the first day of the
conference will be considered to be JSLS members.
Individuals giving paper presentations who will be attending
from overseas may apply for a registration fee waiver (US$30.00).
Please indicate if you would like to be considered for this
waiver on your submissions form.
The reception has been scheduled for the evening of June 23,
Saturday, 2001.
We strongly encourage you to purchase the conference handbook,
as it will contain copies of each paper which will be given at
the conference, with tables, figures and references. Additional
handouts will not be distributed at the conference, unless
prepared by individual presenters.
Conference registration fees, conference program & reception
participation fees should be paid like following:
Postal deposit:
Name of account: JSLS 2001
Account number: 00800-6-76832
Bank deposit:
Name of account: JSLS 2001
Daihyoo: Miyata Susanne
Account type/number: Futsuu 1104933
Account branch: Kamiyashiro branch (Branch number: 231)
Bank name: Chukyo Bank
Overseas participants:
Please either (1) pay your registration fee at the conference
site on the day of the conference, or (2) send a check to
S. Miyata, Re: JSLS 2001
Faculty of Creativity and Culture
Aichi Shukutoku University
Sakuragaoka 23, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya, Japan 464-8671
We can only accept checks in US dollars. Please send a check for
the appropriate amount, with a copy of your registration form.
Those who choose on-site registration will be charged the full
registration fee. Those who pre-register and deposit registration
fees by June 1, 2001 will qualify for the discounted registration
Conference Program
Conference programs and handbooks will not be mailed in advance.
The conference program will be posted on the JSLS mailing
list and on the JSLS homepage.
Student Volunteers
We are currently recruiting 10 student volunteers to help at
the reception desk and manage the audiovisual equipment. Each
student volunteer will be expected to work approximately 5 hours.
Student volunteers will be free to attend conference presentations
during other hours. Student volunteers will not have to pay the
registration fee, and will also receive a free copy of the
conference handbook. Conditions will be the same for student
volunteers who are scheduled to give paper presentations. All
volunteers must be student members or student non-members. Those
interested in being a student volunteer must apply to the following
address by May 1, 2001:
S. Miyata
Faculty of Creativity and Culture
Aichi Shukutoku University
Sakuragaoka 23, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya, Japan 464-8671
email: jsls2001-info at oscar.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Fax number: +81-52-781-7053
Subj: JSLS 2001 student volunteer
When applying, please specify what languages you are capable of
communicating in. We particularly need volunteers with fluency in
English and Japanese. We will inform you of your status (acceptance/
non-acceptance) by May 15, 2001.
All questions regarding the JSLS 2001 conference should be
addressed to:
Susanne Miyata
JSLS2001 Conference Chair
Faculty of Creativity and Culture
Aichi Shukutoku University
Sakuragaoka 23, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya, Japan 464-8671
email: jsls2001-info at oscar.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Fax number: +81-52-781-7053 (please address to S.Miyata)
(Inquiries by phone will not be accepted. )
Registration Form
Note: (1) Conference presenters also need to submit this form.
(2) If you are applying by email, please list "JSLS Registration"
in the subject header and address it to
<jsls2001-registration at oscar.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp>
I would like to register for the Second Conference of JSLS.
Mailing address (please choose one): home work
Mailing address, with zip code:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Conference handbook (please select one):
Yes, I would like a conference handbook.
No, I would not like a conference handbook.
Reception (please select one):
Yes, I would like to attend the reception.
No, I do not plan to attend the reception.
Amount deposited, with relevant sums:
(e.g., total: 8,500 yen, registration fee: 3,500 yen,
conference handbook: 2,000 yen; reception fee: 3,000 yen)
Overseas participants, please indicate the method by which you will
be paying your registration fee:
On-site registration
I will mail a check to S. Miyata
If you are an overseas presenter, please indicate if you would like
to apply for a registration fee waiver:
Yes, I would like a waiver.
No, I do not need a waiver.
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