research guidelines:summary
Professor Annette Karmiloff-Smith
a.karmiloff-smith at
Sun Feb 11 12:15:54 UTC 2001
just a correction, the book my daughter, Kyra, and I are about to
bring out is not an edited book nor am I first author. Chapter 3 is
on methodology from foetus to adolescent. The book as should be:
> Karmiloff, K. & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (Spring 2001) Pathways to
>Language: from Fetus to Adolescent. Developing Child Series,
>Harvard University Press
Thanks, Roma, for sending all the info. Most useful.
At 3:29 pm -0800 10/2/01, Roma Horbatsch wrote:
>Dear fellow researchers,
>Some weeks ago I requested help in locating guidelines for
>conducting child language research with undergraduates.
>I want to thank everyone who replied. My new (small but growing!)
>research group is now very busy! The suggestions are listed below.
>I also include references I found in my own search:
>1. Lise Menn
>Methods for Studying Language Production
>2000, (eds) Menn, L & Ratner, N. Hillsdale, Erlbaum NJ
>2. Donna Bosworth Andrews,
>Peter Gordon, Lynn Santelmann
>Methods for Assessing Children's Syntax
>1996, (eds) McDaniel, D., McKee, c., & Smith Cairns, H.,
>MIT Press
>(*check the bibliography!)
>3.Annette Karmiloff-Smith
>Pathways to Language: from Fetus to Adolescent
>Developing Child Series, (soon - 2001) (eds) Karmiloff-Smith, A., &
>Karmiloff, K.
>Harvard University Press
>4. Kimary Shahin
>Procedures for the Phonological Analysis of Children's Language
>(1981) Ingram, D. University Park Press, Baltimore, MD
>5. Linda Jarmulowicz
>(i) Assessing Language Production in Children
>(1981) Miller, Jon, University Park Press, Baltimore, MD
>(ii) Guide to Analysis of Language Transcripts, 2nd Edition
>(1993) Retherford, K. Thinking Publications
>6. Roberta Golinkoff
>How Babies Talk (1999)
>Michnick Golinkoff, R. & Hirsch-Pasek, K.
>Plume- Penguin
>(* wonderful reading - undergrads love it
>- so do I!)
>7. Carolyn Chaney
>Assessing the Pragmatic Abilities of Children
>(part II) Roth, F.P. & Spekman, N.J., (1984)
>Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders
>49, 12-17
>8. Child Language: Language Workbooks Series
>(1994) Stilwell Peccei, J. Routledge, New York.
>9.Corpora and crosslinguistic research: theory, method and case
>studies,(1998) (ed) Johansson, Stig & Oksefjell, Signe,
>Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA
Professor A.Karmiloff-Smith,
Head, Neurocognitive Development Unit,
Institute of Child Health,
30 Guilford Street,
London WC1N 1EH, U.K.
tel: 0207 905 2754
fax: 0207 242 7717
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