Japanese/Korean Conference Call for Papers
Patricia M. Clancy
pclancy at humanitas.ucsb.edu
Fri Jan 19 19:20:26 UTC 2001
The 11th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
University of California at Santa Barbara
June 29-July 1, 2001
Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 12, 2001
Note: This year abstracts are to be submitted ONLY by e-mail.
Soonja Choi (San Diego State University, USA)
Taro Kageyama (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan)
Satoshi Kinsui (Osaka University, Japan)
James Yoon (University of Illinois, USA)
This year, the Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference will be held
the 2001 LSA Linguistic Institute at the University of California at
Barbara. The Institute, with its dual themes of linguistic diversity
(how and
why languages differ) and Pacific Rim languages (synchronic and
diachronic aspects of major Pacific Rim languages), will be an
appropriate site for the conference.
This conference aims to provide a forum for presenting research in
and Korean linguistics, thereby facilitating efforts to deepen our
understanding of these two languages, which have striking typological
similarities. We especially encourage presentations which investigate
languages. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, syntax,
semantics, pragmatics, discourse, typology, grammaticalization,
linguistics, phonology, morphology, language acquisition,
psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics.
Presentations, except for those by invited speakers, will be 20 minutes
long, and will be followed by a 10-minute question-answer period.
The address for submission of your abstract for the 11th Japanese/Korean
Linguistics Conference is: pclancy at humanitas.ucsb.edu. In submitting
your abstract, it is essential that you follow the instructions below:
E-MAIL SUBJECT HEADER: Decide whether your abstract is primarily
formal or functional, and which area of linguistics is its main focus,
phonology, historical, pragmatics. Then use the following subject header
for your e-mail: "JK11, Last name, First initial, Formal or Functional/
For example: "JK11, Nagashima, S., Formal/Phonology". Please be aware
that without this header, your message may not receive proper handling.
In the body of your e-mail message, include the following:
TITLE: The first line of your e-mail message should be the title of your
ABSTRACT: Your abstract should be a maximum of 500 words long. Be
sure to COUNT THE WORDS in your abstract, and indicate the number of
words in parentheses following your title. Your abstract will be
returned to
you if the 500-word limit is exceeded. Additional words may be used
ONLY for examples and citing references.
In addition to pasting your abstract in the body of your e-mail message,
send your abstract as an ATTACHMENT. This is necessary for further
processing of your abstract. Please send your attached file as a
Word document in RTF format. Be sure to include any non-standard fonts
that you use, and allow extra time for processing attachments not in
format. (Please do not use webmail unless you are certain that you can
your abstract as an attachment.) You will be notified by e-mail when
abstract has been received and successfully opened.
Do not include any author information in the body of your abstract.
Following your abstract , include the following information, which will
removed before your abstract is sent out for review.
1. Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)
2. Address
3. Phone number
4. E-mail address of the primary author.
5. If your address, phone number or e-mail address will be different
the spring or summer, be sure to include this information.
Please note that only one abstract from each individual can be
considered for
acceptance. One individual abstract and one jointly authored abstract
may be
The proceedings of this conference will be published as Japanese/Korean
Linguistics 11 by CSLI and distributed by Cambridge University Press.
The conference website is being set up, and the address will be
in the Second Call for Papers.
Patricia M. Clancy
Dept. of Linguistics
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
(805) 893-8658 (office)
(805) 893-3776 (Ling. Dept. office)
(805) 893-7769 (Ling. Dept. FAX)
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