Juana Liceras
jliceras at
Sat Mar 17 17:23:08 UTC 2001
GASLA 2002
The 6th biannual Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference is inviting abstracts for its meeting, to be held at the
University of Ottawa, April 26-28. The theme for the conference is L2 LINKS:
second language acquisition and its ties to allied disciplines, e.g., L1A,
linguistic theory, psycholinguistics, impaired language development,
cognitive modeling, etc.
The following scholars have agreed to give plenary talks:
Harald Clahsen, University of Essex
David Pesetsky, MIT
Mabel Rice, University of Kansas
Lisa Travis, McGill University
Proposals for papers or posters are solicited. Paper presentations will be
20 minutes long with 10 minutes for questions. Please indicate on your
abstract whether you wish your submission to be considered for one category
only (please, specify) or for both categories. Posters and papers will
receive equal consideration for inclusion in the conference proceedings and
in a volume of selected papers.
The proceedings will appear in Cahiers linguistiques d¹ Ottawa. A commercial
publisher will be approached for the publication of selected papers.
Abstracts should not exceed 450 words. If possible, please submit your
abstract as an e-mail attachment (MS Word or RTF format) to the following
address: gasla6 at Otherwise, please send 4 copies by regular mail.
Include your name(s), affiliation(s) and full address(es) at the top of the
abstract; this will be removed for blind evaluation. If you are submitting
abstracts by mail, please include one copy with the afore-mentioned
information and 3 copies with no author details. The deadline for submission
of abstracts is September 15, 2001. Notification about acceptance will go
out by December 1, 2001.
Please visit the GASLA-6 (2002) website for upcoming information regarding
hotel accommodations and registration.
Queries can be directed to:
Department of Modern Languages / Department of Linguistics
PO 450 Stn A, Ottawa ON. K1N 6N5, CANADA
Telephone: (613) 562-5800 poste/ext. 3742
Telefax: (613) 562-5138
E-mail: gasla6 at
The Organizing Committee,
Juana Liceras, Department of Modern Languages, University of Ottawa
Helmut Zobl, The School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies,
Carleton University
Helen Goodluck, Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa
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