references on motherese
Katie Alcock
K.J.Alcock at
Thu Mar 29 14:02:10 UTC 2001
here you go.
I have not read any of these (having only collected them since
yesterday!) - so no responsibility will be taken by the management
for the relevance or otherwise of these references.
However a couple of people have said that the more usual term
currently is "child directed speech". I think I was trying to draw a
distinction between motherese - having especially prosodic, but
also grammatical and semantic features that are distinct from
normal adult conversation and also being directed at babies - and
any speech directed at children. It is possible to have the latter in
a society without it being the former - but it is also possible not to
have the latter in a society. It is difficult to see how you could have
motherese characteristics of speech without having it be child-
directed but I'm sure if we used our imaginations a bit we could
come up with a scenario!
Bavin, E.L. (1991). Socialisation and the acquisition of Warlpiri kin terms.
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Bavin, E.L. (1992). The acquisition of Warlpiri. In D.I. Slobin (Ed.)
Crosslinguistic study of language acquisition, vol. 3, pp 309-371.
Hillsdale, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bavin, E.L. (1993). Language acquisition in an Aboriginal context. In
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Australia, , pp 85-96. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.
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Crago, M., S. Allen & W. Hough-Eyamie (1997), "Exploring innateness
through cultural and linguistic variation", in M. Gopnik (ed.), The
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Gallaway and Richards' Input and Interaction in Language Acquisition.
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aspects of language addressed to children, by EVM Lieven
Gallway C (Ed.) (1994). Input and interaction in language acquisition.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gleitman, L. R., Newport, E. L., & Gleitman, H. (1984). The current status
of the motherese hypothesis. Journal of Child Language 11, 43-79.
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Developmental Psychology 24, 14-20.
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Lieven, E. (1994), "Crosslinguistic and crosscultural aspects of language
addressed to children", in Gallaway & Richards (eds.), Input and
interaction in language acquisition, New York, Cambridge University
Press, 56-73.
Lieven, E. (1997). Variation in a crosslinguistic context. In D. I. Slobin
(Ed.). The Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition, Vol ,
Hillsdale, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum. pps 199-263.
Ochs, E., & Schieffelin, B. (1984). Language acquisition and socialization:
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Schieffelin, B. B. (1979). Getting it together: An ethnographic approach
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Schieffelin, B. B. (1986). The acquisition of Kaluli. In D. I. Slobin (Ed.),
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Schieffelin, Bambi, & Eleanor Ochs (1986) Language socialization.
_Annual Review of Anthropology_ 15: 163-191.
Katie Alcock
Department of Psychology
City University
Northampton Square
Tel (+44) (0)20 7477 0167
Fax (+44) (0)20 7477 8581
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