JSLS2001 reduced fee onsite registration for overseas participants
Susanne Miyata
smiyata at asu.aasa.ac.jp
Mon May 28 03:06:22 UTC 2001
Dear colleagues,
We have realized that it might be difficult for overseas participants
to meet the June 1st registration deadline (6/1) in order to quality for
the reduced registration fee. We have therefore decided that this
deadline will not apply to participants attending the conference
from outside of Japan.
reduced fee onsite registration possible
for conference participants living outside of Japan
Miyata at JSLS2001
********** Pre-registration until June, 1st *************
The Third Annual Conference
of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2001)
June 23 (Sat.)- 24 (Sun.), 2001
Japan Women's University
** Call for Participation **
Conference Dates/ Location
The Third Conference of the Japanese Society for Language
Sciences will be held as follows:
(1) June 23 (Sat.)- 24 (Sun.), 2001
(2) Japan Women's University, Nishi-Ikuta Campus
Kawasaki-City [30 minutes by train from downtown Tokyo]
Hotel information is available at
June 23 (Saturday)
9:30 - Registration
9:50 - 10:00 Opening Remarks
10:00 - 12:00 Presentations (1)
13:00 - 13:30 JSLS General meeting
13:30 - 16:00 Presentations (2)
16:20 - 17:50 Plenary Lecture: William O'Grady
18:00 - Reception
June 24 (Sunday)
10:00 - 12:00 Presentations (3)
13:30 - 15:00 Special Lecture: Tetsuo Suga
15:00 - 16:00 Presentations (4)
16:10 - 17:50 Symposium
17:50 - 18:00 Closing Remarks
Plenary Lecture-------------------------------------------------
William O'Grady
(University of Hawai'i at Manoa)
Language Acquisition and Language Deficits
Special Lecture-------------------------------------------------
Tetsuo Suga
(Japan Women's University)
Solving the Riddle of Language Acquisition [in Japanese]
Issues in Japanese Bilingual Education
Organizer: Emiko Yukawa (Notre Dame Women's College of Kyoto)
Speakers: Kazuko Nakajima (University of Toronto)
Hideyuki Taura (Fukui Medical University)
Takashi Torigoe (Hyogo University of Teacher Education)
Emiko Yukawa (Notre Dame Women's College of Kyoto)
Presentations (1)-----------------------------------------------------
Minami, Masahiko (San Francisco State University)
& Shibatani, Kaori (San Francisco State University)
The Development of Narrative in Second Language Acquisition:
Frog Stories
Butler, Yuko Goto (Stanford University)
How to make sense of word meanings in context: "Meaning-making"
Processes and Strategies among Strong and Weak Readers
Morizumi, Fumi (International Christian University)
"I'm a Conservative Japanese Man, You See": Language Learners'
Narratives of 'Doing Gender' In and Beyond School Context
Kawate-Mierzejewska, Megumi (Temple University Japan)
Different types of acceptance sequences in conversational discourse
Zimmerman, Erica (University of Hawaii)
Presentation of self through "chatting": Non-native speakers of
Japaneseuse of desu/masu form and interactional particles for
indexing presentation of self
Kano, Akihiro (Ohio State University)
& Nakayama, Mineharu (Ohio State University)
JFL Learners' Knowledge of zibun
Tanaka, Akihiro (The University of Tokyo)
& Nakamura, Kuninori (Waseda University)
Do verbal and musical memory abilities affect the proficiency
of L2 speaking?: Evidence from Japanese adult learners of
Baba, Kyoko (Nagoya University)
Vocabulary size and lexical communication strategies in L2
language production
Park, Siwon ( University of Hawaii)
& Lee, Sunyoung ( University of Hawaii)
Corpus analysis of preposition stranding and pied-piping: Does
frequency-based input theory account for the L2 acquisition
order of PS and PP?
Presentations (3)------------------------------------------------------------
Kasuya, Hiroko (Bunkyo Women's University)
& Uemura, Kayoko (Bunkyo Women's University)
A child's participation in triadic family conversation
Miyata, Susanne (Aichi Shukutoku University),
Oshima-Takane, Yuriko (McGill University)
& Nisisawa, Hiro Yuki (Tokiwa University)
Noun Bias in Early Japanese Vocabulary and Characteristics of
Maternal Speech
Klafehn, Terry (University of Hawaii)
The Blocking Principle in the First Language Acquisition of
Japanese Verbal Inflection: The Failure of Blocking Leads to
Innovative (Irregular) Forms
Kato, Eiko (Osaka Jogakuin Junior College)
Mother-Child Interactions during Book Reading [in Japanese]
Presentations (4)-------------------------------------------------------------
Nakamura, Kei (Keio University)
Japanese-English code-switching: Attitudes, Forms, and Functions
Takeuchi, Shoko (Nagoya University)
The development of cognitive academic language proficiency of minority
children in Japan [in Japanese]
Note: (1) Conference presenters also need to submit this form.
(2) If you are applying by email, please write "JSLS Registration"
in the subject header and send it to
<jsls2001-registration at oscar.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp>
I would like to register for the Third Conference of JSLS.
Mailing address (please choose one): home work
Mailing address, with zip code:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Conference handbook (please select one):
Yes, I would like a conference handbook.
No, I would not like a conference handbook.
Reception (please select one):
Yes, I would like to attend the reception.
No, I do not plan to attend the reception.
Amount deposited, with relevant sums:
(e.g., total: 8,500 yen, registration fee: 3,500 yen,
conference handbook: 2,000 yen; reception fee: 3,000 yen)
Overseas participants, please indicate the method by which you will
be paying your registration fee:
On-site registration
I will mail a check to S. Miyata
If you are an overseas presenter, please indicate if you would like
to apply for a registration fee waiver:
Yes, I would like a waiver.
No, I do not need a waiver.
Domestic participants:
Registration fee Member Non-member
(paid in full by June 1, 2001) 3,500 yen 5,500 yen
Late registration/on-site 5,000 yen 7,000 yen
registration (after June 2, 2001)
Conference handbook 2,000 yen 3,000 yen
Reception 3,000 yen 3,000 yen
Overseas participants:
Registration fee Member Non-member
Pre-registration/ on-site US$30.00 US$50.00
Conference handbook US$17.00 US$25.00
Reception US$25.00 US$25.00
Individuals who apply for membership on the first day of the
conference will be considered to be JSLS members.
Individuals giving paper presentations who will be attending
from overseas may apply for a registration fee waiver (US$30.00).
Please indicate if you would like to be considered for this
waiver on your submissions form.
The reception has been scheduled for the evening of June 23,
Saturday, 2001.
We strongly encourage you to purchase the conference handbook,
as it will contain copies of each paper which will be given at
the conference, with tables, figures and references. Additional
handouts will not be distributed at the conference, unless
prepared by individual presenters.
Conference registration fees, conference program & reception
participation fees should be paid like following:
Postal deposit:
Name of account: JSLS 2001
Account number: 00800-6-76832
Bank deposit:
Name of account: JSLS 2001
Daihyoo: Miyata Susanne
Account type/number: Futsuu 1104933
Account branch: Kamiyashiro branch (Branch number: 231)
Bank name: Chukyo Bank
Overseas participants:
Conference participants living outside of Japan may pay their
registration fee at the conference site. All conference participants
living outside of Japan will qualify for the discounted registration
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