European Master's in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL)
Bart Hollebrandse
bart.hollebrandse at
Thu Nov 29 07:06:54 UTC 2001
The European Master's in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL) is a university
programme at advanced level (Master's type) in Clinical Linguistics,
providing an integrated training in both neurolinguistic theory and
clinical methods. Students with a background in linguistics or
psychology will become acquainted with the clinical situation, so
that they will be able to develop better assessment and treatment
materials. Speech and Language pathologists who follow this
programme will acquire more knowledge about theoretical
background of the langauge disorders and the relation between
language and the brain. It is envisaged that a certain cross-
fertilisation will take place as well, as a result of which speech and
language pathologists will contribute to the development of material
or tests, while students with a more theoretical background get
involved in clinical activities.
The programme comprises three terms and reflects the European
character of the EMCL. In the first term, the student will study at
his/her 'home university', i.e. the university where s/he is registered
for the EMCL. This term is similar at the participating institutions
and will consist of a number of core courses. During the second or
third term, the student should go to one of the other universities
sponsored by the European Union under Socrates, to do
specialised courses; the remaining term will be used for research
classes and is done at the home university again. Finally, the
student will write an MA-thesis and attend a summerschool or a
conference to finish the programme.
The Board-of-Studies consists of members of the participating
institution, i.e. the universities of Groningen (NL), Joensuu (FI),
Newcastle (UK), Oslo (N), Potsdam (D), Reading (UK) and Milan
(IT). In 2002-2003 the programme wille be ran at the universities of
Groningen (NL0 and Potsdam (D). All courses will be taught in
English. The deadline for sending in an application form is 1st of
March 2002.
For more information see our homepage:
e-mail: emcl at
Information packages (including an application form) will be available
from December 2001.
Prof. Dr. Roelien Bastiaanse
University of Groningen, Dept. Linguistics
PO Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen
The Netherlands
phone: +31 50 363 5558/5858 (secr)
fax: +31 50 363 6855
Bart Hollebrandse
Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS
Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht, The Netherlands
tel: 31-30-2536213; fax: 31-30-2536000
Groningen University
Dutch Department
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
b.hollebrandse at
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