table for Sophie
Brian MacWhinney
macw at
Mon Sep 3 02:51:44 UTC 2001
Dear Info-CHILDES,
In order to make sure that the previous message on the Hong Kong corpus
went through OK for all mailers, I cut out the table of Cantonese
grammatical categories that had Chinese characters. However, if your mailer
can read them, here is that table.
--Brian MacWhinney
Table 1 Grammatical categories for the Cantonese corpus
Syntactic categories Examples
1. adj adjective
sau3ΩG, leng3Ë∞, faai3ß÷, hou2teng1¶n≈•
thin, pretty, fast, good to listen to
2. advf focus adverb dou1≥£, sin1•˝, jau6§S, zung6•Ú
also, first, again, still
3. advi adverb of intensity gam3À›, hou2¶n, taai3§”, zeoi3≥Ã
so, very, too, most
4. advm adverb of manner gwaai1gwaai1dei2®ƒ®ƒ¶a, maan6maan2∫C∫C
obediently, slowly
5. advs sentential adverb jan1wai6¶]¨∞, so2ji5©“•H, bat1jyu4§£¶p
because, therefore, how about
6. asp aspectual marker zo2_, gwo3πL, gan2∫Ú, hoi1∂}, haa5_
7. aux auxiliary/modal verb jing1goi1¿≥∏”, wui5∑|, m4hou2≠¯¶n
should, would, don't
8. cl classifier bun2 •ª, go3 ≠”, gaa3_, tiu4±¯
9. com comparative morpheme di1_as in leng3 di1Ë∞_, gwo3 πLas in leng3
gwo3 keoi5 谹L \
more beautiful, prettier than her
10. conj connective ding6hai6©w´Y, tung4maai4¶PÆI, waak6ze2©Œ™Ãor,
and, or
11. corr correlative jat1lou6§@∏Ù…jat1lou6§@∏Ù, jyut6∂V…jyut6∂Vwhile,
the more…the more
12. det determiner li1©O, go2_, dai6≤ƒ
this, that, number
13. dir directional verb lei4/lai4_, heoi3•h, ceot1•X, jap6§J,
soeng5§W, lok6∏®
come, go, out, in, go up, go down
14. ex expressive utterance ai1jaa3´u_, e3, m4goi≠¯∏”
oops, well, please/thanks
15. gen genitive marker ge3 _as in Timmy ge3 pang4jau5 Timmy_™B§Õ
Timmy's friends
16. ins emphatic inserted marker gwai2∞≠as in gam3 gwai2 lyun6À›∞≠∂√
what a mess!
17. loc localizer dou6 ´◊as in zoeng1 toi2 dou6 ±i¬i´◊, soeng6min6
§W≠±on the table, up there
18. nn noun ce1®Æ, wun6geoi6 ™±®„, sing1sing1 ¨P¨P, kau3fu2∏§§˜
car, toy, star, uncle
19. nnpr pronoun Ngo5ß⁄, lei5ßA, keoi5 \, ngo5dei6ß⁄_ , lei5dei6ßA_,
keoi5dei6 \_
I/me, you, s/he, we/us, you(pl), they/them
20. nnpp proper noun ciu1jan4 ∂W§H, je4sou1≠Cøq, jing1gwok3≠^∞Í
Superman, Jesus, Britain
21. neg negative morpheme m4≠¯, mai6´}, mou5…N
not, not, not have
22. onoma onomatopoeic expression wou1wou1, baang4_, gok6go6k´£´£
23. prt (postverbal) particle dak1±o, dou3®Ï, saai3´{, maai4ÆI,
can, until, all, as well, finish
24. prep preposition hai2_ , bei2≠⁄
at, for
25. q quantifier jat1§@, sap6saam1§Q§T, mui5®C
one, thirteen, each
26. rfl reflexive pronoun zi6gei2¶€§v
27. sfp sentence-final particle aa3ßr, laa1∞’, gaa3_, ho2®˛
28. vd ditransitive verb bei2≠⁄, sung3∞e
give, give (as a gift)
29. verg ergative (unaccusative) verb dit3∂^, tyun5¬_
fall, break
30. vf function verb hai6´Y, jau5¶≥
be, have
31. vi intransitive verb siu3Ø∫, jau1sik1•Æß, kei4tou2¨Ë√´
smile, rest, pray
32. vt transitive verb sik6 ≠π, gong2 ¡ø, zi1dou3™æπD
eat, say, know
33. wh wh phrases bin1go3 √‰≠”, mat1je5 …A_ (me1), bin1dou6 √‰´◊,
dim2gaai2 ¬I∏—
who, what, where, why
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