tags and thanks
Hyams, Nina
hyams at humnet.ucla.edu
Thu Aug 29 22:44:43 UTC 2002
Thanks to all of you who responded to my query about tag questions.
Following are the references I received.
Annick De Houwer. 1990. The Acquisition of Two Languages from
Birth, CUP.
Roger Brown. 1973. A First Language (pages 404 & 408).Harvard University
Brown & Hanlon. 1970. Derivational Complexity and the Order of Acquisition
in Child
Speech, in JR Hayes (ed.) Cognition and the Development of Language, Wiley.
Anne Baker. 1981 It's easier in German, isn't it? The acquisition of tag
questions in a
bilingual child. Journal of Child Language 8, pp. 641-647.
Brian J. Richards. 1990. Language development and individual differences: a
study of
auxiliary verb learning. Cambridge University Press. (Chapter 7)
Keith Nelson. 1977. paper in Dev. Psych, 1977, 13, 101-107.
Keith Nelson (2000) paper in L. Menn & N. B. Ratner (eds.) Language
Production in Children (contains several references).
Nina Hyams
UCLA Linguistics Department
3125 Campbell Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543
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