TCP: Call for Papers
Masayuki Komachi
reciprocals at
Sat Jul 13 10:19:40 UTC 2002
Dear Colleague,
There were some errors in the previous posting of the TCP (Tokyo
Conference on Psycholinguistics) Call for Papers. The following is
the correct one. Sorry for the confusion.
Thank you.
Masa Komachi
TCP Committee
Keio University
koma at
The Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies at Keio University will
be holding the fourth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP2003)
on March 14 and 15, 2003.
The invited speakers are Prof. Mark Baker (Rutgers University) and
Prof. Maria Teresa Guasti (University of Milan-Bicocca).
We encourage you to submit papers for presentation. For details, visit
our web site:
[ Call for Papers ]
The Fourth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics
Keio University, Mita, Tokyo
March 14th and 15th, 2003
The Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics welcomes submissions for
paper presentations at its fourth conference. It accepts papers that
represent any scientific endeavor that addresses itself to "Plato's problem"
concerning language acquisition: “How can we gain a rich linguistic system
given our fragmentary and impoverished experience?” Its scope thus
includes linguistic theory (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics),
L1 and L2 acquisition, language processing, and the neuroscience of
language, among others.
Each presentation will be 30 minutes, and 15 minutes will be devoted to
Please send an abstract following the following guidelines:
1. An abstract in English (including bibliography) of no more than 2
single-spaced A4 or letter-size pages.
2. Do not put your name on the abstract.
3. Put the title on the top of the first page.
4. The abstract, if accepted, will be photocopied to be included in
the conference handbook. Therefore, make sure your margins have
ample room.
5. Clearly state the nature of the problem that you are addressing.
6. Cite sufficient data, and explain why and how they support your
7. Avoid vague promissory notes such as "A solution will be presented".
8. Submit 5 copies.
9. Attach a separate information page on the top of your abstracts,
indicating your: (a) name, (b) affiliation, (c) paper's title, (d) mailing
address, (e) e-mail address, and (f) telephone number. If you are in
Japan, add kanji where relevant (i.e., all items except (e) and (f)). If
your paper has multiple authors, please provide information regarding
all of the co-authors.
10. In email submissions, please note the following guidelines:
The abstract file should be attached and the subject should be
"abstract". All the author information (listed in 9) should be
included in the body of the e-mail. The only acceptable format
is PDF. For any fonts used, a font file should be attached.
Send the information page and five copies of your abstract to:
TCP Committee
Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies
Keio University
2-15-45 Mita , Minato-ku, Tokyo
108-8345 JAPAN
or, submit via e-mail with the abstract file and font file(s) attached to:
TCP Committee: tcpabst at
The abstract must be received by November 30, 2002 by 11:59 pm JST
(Japan Standard Time) by postal mail, FedEx (or the like), or e-mail.
Submissions by fax will not be accepted.
Late submissions will be returned unopened. Notification of receipt will
be e-mailed to the first author shortly after receipt. We will notify you
of the results of our review process by January 10, 2003.
In addition, we are planning to publish a volume of the conference
proceedings. If your abstract is accepted, we will inform you of details
regarding this matter later. Most likely, you will be asked to submit a
photo-ready copy of your contribution by mid-May 2003.
Unfortunately, TCP has no funds for financial assistance. Participants
are also expected to make their own travel arrangements.
For inquiries, contact:
Yukio Otsu (Director)
Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies
Keio University
2-14-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo
108-8345 JAPAN
or, send e-mail inquiries to:
tcp at
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