late talkers using sign language

Katerina Marshfield katmarsh at
Mon May 6 11:03:26 UTC 2002

Dear All,

I am looking for references to studies of children, who due to a traumatic birth suffer from belated growth and ability to walk and talk, and develop their own sign language to comunicate. In the concrete case, that I am dealing with, the child has grown a head disproportionate to its body, started to walk at the age of about 34 months, and at the age of 3,5 it can only say a couple of words in English and Swedish (English being the mother tongue of his father and Swedish that of his mother) helping itself with a sign language it has developed. It has had no previous contact with any community using sign language.

Can anybody out there help me please?

Thanking you all in advance.

Katerina Marshfield
Research Assistant
Department of English Linguistics
TU Braunschweig

Tel. 0049-531-3913528

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