late talkers using sign language
John D. Bonvillian
jdb5b at
Mon May 6 20:16:41 UTC 2002
Dear Katerina Marshfield,
The two citations I was able to recall are only
indirectly related to your specific concern. I hope that
they prove helpful. They are:
Brookner, S. P., & Murphy, N. O. (1975). The use
of a total communication approach with a nondeaf child: A
case study. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in
Schools, 6, 131-139.
Caparulo, B. K., & Cohen, D. J. (1977). Cognitive
structures, language, and emerging social competence in
autistic and aphasic children. Journal of the American
Academy of Child Psychiatry, 16, 620-645.
John Bonvillian
On Mon, 6 May 2002 13:03:26 +0200 Katerina Marshfield
<katmarsh at> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am looking for references to studies of children, who due to a traumatic birth suffer from belated growth and ability to walk and talk, and develop their own sign language to comunicate. In the concrete case, that I am dealing with, the child has grown a head disproportionate to its body, started to walk at the age of about 34 months, and at the age of 3,5 it can only say a couple of words in English and Swedish (English being the mother tongue of his father and Swedish that of his mother) helping itself with a sign language it has developed. It has had no previous contact with any community using sign language.
> Can anybody out there help me please?
> Thanking you all in advance.
> Katerina Marshfield
> Research Assistant
> Department of English Linguistics
> TU Braunschweig
> Germany
> Tel. 0049-531-3913528
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