Question to the community
Annette Karmiloff-Smith
a.karmiloff-smith at
Tue Nov 5 20:14:14 UTC 2002
I, too, suggesting rapid counting or addition. Anecdotally one
always falls back into one's mother tongue. Not so for phone
numbers. It seems to depend on where one learnt them, so my British
numbers I recalkl in English, but the Swiss ones I always first have
to say to myself in French., However, I *always* add in English. I
don't know of any research in the area though.
At 8:30 PM -1200 4/11/02, Charles Watkins wrote:
>I am pretty certain there is a mathematical formula suggested in "Raising
>Children Bilingually" by Eleonre (I think) Arnberg (I'm almost sure)
>published by Multilingual Matters (definitely). I can't lay my hands on the
>book just at present, but if you don't know it already I'll try to get back
>to you on this.
>Charles Watkins
>Professeur Agrégé en Première et Lettres Supérieures,
>Lycée Molière, Paris, France.
>-----Message d'origine-----
>De : Ellina Chernobilsky <ellinac at>
>À : info-childes at <info-childes at>
>Date : lundi 4 novembre 2002 07:08
>Objet : Question to the community
>>Does anyone know if there are any good ways to establish language
>>dominance in bilinguals (esp. five and six year olds)? Any references
>>to the research on this topic or methodology for establishing the
>>language dominance will be greatly appreciated.
>>Thank you.
>>Ellina Chernobilsky
>>PhD Student
>>Rutgers University
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