The Fifth Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2003) CFP
Kei Nakamura
kei at
Wed Nov 6 09:42:47 UTC 2002
The Fifth Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2003)
July 5 (Saturday)- 6 (Sunday), 2003
Takigawa Memorial Hall, Kobe University
** First Call for Papers **
The Japanese Society for Language Sciences invites proposals for our Fifth Annual Conference, JSLS 2003. We welcome proposals for paper and poster presentations and for one symposium. As keynote speakers, we will invite Catherine E. Snow (Harvard Graduate School of Education) and Masayoshi Shibatani (Faculty of Letters, Kobe University).
JSLS2003 Committee Chair Tamiko Ogura (Faculty of Letters, Kobe University)
Conference Dates/ Location
The Fifth Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Language
Sciences will be held as follows:
(1) July 5 (Saturday)- 6 (Sunday), 2003
(2) Takigawa Memorial Hall, Kobe University
We would like to encourage submissions on research pertaining to
language sciences, including linguistics, psychology, education,
computer science, brain science, and philosophy, among others. We
will not commit ourselves to one or a few particular theoretical
frameworks. We will respect any scientific endeavor that aims to
contribute to a better understanding of the human mind and the
brain through language.
We are planning to have one symposium as a part of the conference.
We will accept proposals for this symposium. The deadline for the
symposium is due on February 1, 2003. Notification of acceptance
will be made no later than April 1, 2003. The time slot for the
symposium will be 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Qualifications for Presenters
All presenters should be members of JSLS by the first day of the
conference (July 5, 2003). (It is not necessary for co-presenters
to be members.)
Please refer to the following website for membership information:
All presenters should pre-register for the JSLS 2003 conference by
June 1, 2003.
Papers should be original and unpublished.
We will accept multiple submissions from the same individual,
however, you can only be the single or first author of one paper.
Each presentation will be 25 minutes long.
(20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A).
The language of presentations may be either Japanese or English.
Submission Deadline & Review Process
All submissions should be mailed and postmarked by February 1, 2003
(Saturday). Please send the following items to the review committee
chairperson, Harumi Kobayashi.
Paper and poster presentations
(1) Application form (A4 or letter-size paper)
presentation title
presentaton category (paper or poster)
name of presenter(s), affiliation(s)
mailing address
email address
telephone number
language of presentation
keywords (about 5 words)
(2) 3 copies of abstract (A4 or letter-size papers)
12 pt
maximum 4 pages (including title, tables, figures, & references)
Do not include any information which may reveal your identity.
The presentation must be in either Japanese or English.
(If the language of the presenation is to be different from the language of the submitted paper,
please attach a note.)
(3) Floppy disk
Save the files of the application form and the abstract.
Please indicate the program you used.
(4) 2 self-addressed mailing labels (with your name, address)
[This is not necessary for those submitting abstracts by
Please send the above items to the following address
(please write "JSLS paper (or JSLS poster)" in red ink on the envelope):
Harumi Kobayashi
School of Science and Engineering
Tokyo Denki University
Hiki-gun, Saitama-ken 350-0394
We will also accept submissions via e-mail. Please send
your submissions to the following address, in the following
h-koba at
(Subject: Paper Submission (or Poster Submission) )
(a) save the file as "text file" or "pdf file". Please note that
other formats will not be accepted.
(b) save your file under your own name (eg.: torigoe-takashi.pdf).
Each abstract will be reviewed anonymously by several reviewers.
Notification of acceptance will be made no later than April 1.
(Some "paper" poposals might be accepted for "poster" presentations.)
If your "paper" proposal is accepted, you will be requested to
send a copy of your paper (Maximun length is 6-pages) by May 6.
The paper will appear in the Conference Handbook.
Excellent papers may be published as a collection of papers titled
"Studies in Language Sciences".
(1) Application Form
symposium title
name of the organizer(s) and affiliation(s)
mailing address
telephone number
name and affiliations of symposium speakers
(2) a detailed abstract
800 to 1600 words in English or
3000 to 6000 characters (moji) in Japanese
(equivalent to two to four pages on A4 or letter-size papers).
We will only accept submissions via e-mail for the symposium by February 1, 2003.
Please send an e-mail proposal to the following address, in the following manner:
h-koba at
(Subject: Symposium Proposal)
Please send your abstract in text or pdf file format.
All questions regarding the JSLS 2003 conference should be addressed to:
Takashi Torigoe
JSLS 2003 Conference Coordinator
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Yashiro, Hyogo 673-1494
e-mail: torigoe at
(Inquiries by phone will not be accepted. )
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