development of moral language
r.n.campbell at
Tue Oct 1 20:32:19 UTC 2002
I'm not sure what might count as 'moral language'. But if that would
include understanding of modal expressions such as 'should', 'ought',
'must' and so forth, there is an interesting old book by Gilberte
Pieraut-Le Bonniec which might be a good place to start, and some more
recent work by Paul Harris. There is always the problem of distinguishing
between alethic and deontic uses of these modals. I don't know of anything
on the 'noun' side - looking at understanding of words like 'duty',
'right', 'obligation', and the like. Is there anything?
Dr Robin N Campbell
Dept of Psychology
University of Stirling
Scotland, UK
motto: 'Nusquam legere, nusquam bibere, nusquam currum stabulare'
telephone: 01786-467649 facsimile: 01786-467641
email: r.n.campbell at
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