JBIB Search
Seiko Ono
onos at asu.aasa.ac.jp
Wed Oct 23 00:51:07 UTC 2002
Hi, Pascale,
We are glad if the following (JBIB Search) could help you:
You can find 21 references with keywords <aspects> and <L2>.
Yas(uhiro) Shirai (PhD) in Cornell U might give you more help.
Aichi Shukutoku U (Nagoya, Japan)
> From: Pascale TREVISIOL <trevi at mb5.seikyou.ne.jp>
> Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 16:40:40 +0900
> To: <info-childes at mail.talkbank.org>
> Subject: tense and aspect in japanese
> Dear info-childes members,
> I am a PhD student at the University of Paris 8 under the supervision of
> Prof. Clive Perdue. I am currently conducting research concerned (among
> others) with the acquisition of temporal reference in french L3 by
> Japanese-speaking students. I am comparing learners' narrative data with
> native ones (in japanese) and have some difficulty with describing the
> expression of tense and aspect in japanese, as I founded few references on
> this topic.
> I would be very grateful if anyone on the list could provide me with
> references to literature on the japanese temporal and aspectual system
> (written in english !) or else on the acquisition of temporal reference by
> japanese-speaking students in other target languages (as L2 or L3).
> Thank you in advance for your help !
> Pascale Trevisiol
> University of Hokkaido (Japan)
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