Post-doc at the University of Alberta
elenan at
Tue Oct 29 19:12:45 UTC 2002
Post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta,
This post-doctoral fellowship provides an opportunity to work with a team
engaged in developmental, cross-linguistic, and cross-modal research
on gesture. The research project involves the analysis of stories told in
several different languages (English, French, Mandarin Chinese, and
American Sign Language) with several age groups (4 years through
The successful candidate will supervise graduate students,
undergraduate students, and research assistants in data collection,
transcription and analysis. She or he will be involved in the presentation
of this project to the research community at conferences and through
publications. Many opportunities for independent research also exist.
A PhD in psycholinguistics, linguistics, or developmental psychology is
required. It is strongly desirable that the candidate has a background in
research with narratives or gesture and has knowledge of one or more of
French, Mandarin Chinese, or ASL. The lab uses Mac computers.
The University of Alberta is a beautiful campus situated on the North
Saskatchewan River. The River valley is a central feature of Edmonton
and is part of an extensive system of trails and green spaces throughout
the city. Further information about life in Edmonton can be found at http://
This position if available for one year with the possibility of renewal for a
second year. The fellowship is a SSHRC-funded position, with a pay of
$35,000 Cdn per year.
Starting date: May 1, 2003 (negotiable)
Please send your CV, reprints, and a letter outlining your background and
research interests to:
Elena Nicoladis
Department of Psychology
University of Alberta
P217 Biological Sciences Building
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E9
elenan at
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