New Dutch corpora

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Fri Dec 5 18:26:02 UTC 2003

Dear Info-CHILDES,
  I am happy to announce the addition to CHILDES of three additional
components of the Bol-Kuiken corpus from Gerard Bol and Folkert Kuiken of
Amsterdam.  The earlier corpus in CHILDES had samples from 20 Dutch SLI
children.  The full collection now has 20 SLI children, 20 Down syndrome
children and adolescents, 31 normally-developing controls (some recorded
twice), and 20 children with hearing impairment.  All four sets of data use
parallel methods for data collection, thereby maximizing the possibilities
for comparison.  Many thanks to Gerard and Folkert for the contribution of
this full corpus.

--Brian MacWhinney

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