Documentaries on learner language, language learning, bilingualism
Lynn Santelmann
santelmannl at
Mon Feb 3 21:32:54 UTC 2003
There's also a recent series that was on US public television called "The
Secret Life of the Brain". It looks at brain development at various ages
(infant, child, adolescent, adult, aging). The episode on the child's brain
(#2) focuses on language, with some reference particular language
disorders. It's available for about $20 from PBS
( or
Lynn Santelmann
At 10:15 AM 2/3/2003 +0100, Alex Housen wrote:
>Dear colleagues,
>A few weeks ago Brian MacWhinney placed a list of non-documentary films on
>child language and language learning on the CHILDES website.
>This prompted me to look for a similar list of more focused documentary
>programmes on child and adult language learner speech, first/second
>language acquisition and bilingualism for use in university courses.
>According to Brian no such list exists. And our librarians have not been
>very successful in tracing such documentaries either.
>Therefore I would welcome any useful pointers or references you might have
>in this respect.
>Alex Housen
>Germanic Languages Dept. & Centre for Linguistics
>Vrije Universiteit Brussel
>Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
Lynn Santelmann, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor, Applied Linguistics
Portland State University
P.O. Box 751
Portland, OR 97201-0751
phone: 503-725-4140
fax: 503-725-4139
e-mail: santelmannl at (that's last name, first initial)
Personal web (Tommy's page):
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