Aspect 2003: program
Natalia Gagarina
gagarina at
Thu Mar 27 15:54:26 UTC 2003
Conference on the Acquisition of Aspect
9.-10. May 2003 (ZAS, Berlin)
Friday, 9.05.03
9.00 9.30 Registration
9.30 Opening
9.45 10.45 Yasuhiro Shirai (invited speaker, Cornell University)
The acquisition of tense-aspect morphology and the regular-irregular debate
10.45 11.20 Josephine Chen-Wilson (Newman College of Higher
Education, Birmingham) An analysis of Mandarin speakers marking of the
progressive aspect in naturalistic data
11.45 12.20 Spyridoula Varlokosta, Sophia Delidaki (School of Linguistics
and Applied Language Studies, The University of Reading) Testing the
defective tense hypothesis: the acquisition of aspect and tense in Greek
12.20 12.55 Ursula Stephany (University of Cologne), Maria Voeikova
(Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg), and Anastasia
Christofidou (Greek Academy of Sciences, Athens) On the Early Development
of Aspect in Greek and Russian Child Language: a Comparative Analysis
15.00 15.35 Dina Brun and Maria Babyonyshev (Yale University)
On the Acquisition of Statives in Child Russian
15.35 16.10 Maria Babyonyshev and Dina Brun (Yale University)
The Role of Aspect in the Acquisition of Passives in Child Russian
16.30 17.05 Nina Kazanina & Colin Phillips (University of Maryland,
College Park) Temporal Frames-of-Reference in Development of Aspect
17.05 17.40 Natalia Gagarina (ZAS, Berlin) Language-specific influence on the
acquisition of aspect (ZAS Project: work in progress)
Saturday, 10.05.2003
09.30 10.30 Dagmar Bittner (ZAS, Berlin)
Aspectual interpretation of early verb forms
10.30 11.05 Annerieke Boland
Marked uses of aspect-tense morphology and situation type
11.30 12.05 Susanne Rieckborn (University of Hamburg)
The Acquisition of Tense and Aspect in German-French Bilingual Children
12.05 12.40 Bettina Knipschild (University College Dublin/University of
Essex) The link between V-to-T raising and the progressive aspect reading:
evidence from early German/English bilingual acquisition
14.30 15.05 Liane Jeschull (University of Leipzig) What particle verbs have to do with
grammatical aspect in early child English
15.05 15.40 Barbara Schmiedtova (MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen) The
expression of temporal simultaneity and the use of aspect in second language acquisition of
16.00 16.35 Ayumi Matsuo (MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen) Effects of Syntactic
Complexity and Aspectual Class on Past Tense Production
16.35 17.10 Miren Hodgson (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) The Acquisition of
Spanish Perfective Aspect: a study on childrens production and comprehension
Waiting list:
Verbal aspect in Polish: a cognitive linguistics perspective ("Adept"
<adepcik- portal at>); Why "dying" is difficult for Japanese learners
of English (Alison Gabriele, Gita Martohardjono and William McClure
Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Posters: Acquisition of verbal aspect in French and Croatian (Claire
Martinot, University René Descartes, Paris 5, Maja Andel and Sunil Kumar,
University of Zagreb)
Imperfectivity and Aktionsart in children narratives (Otilia da Costa e
Sousa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Tense and Aspect in Child Russian (Dorota Kiebzak-Mandera, Jagellonian
University, Cracow)
The aspect and the types of action relation in Lithuanian children
narrative discourse (Greta Lemanaite, Jagellonian University, Cracow)
The complete conference program will be available online after 4.04.
For the other information regarding the conference, please visit
On behalf of the organising committee,
Natalia Gagarina (will be away from ZAS till 15.04)
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