Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity
M4 Mfour
m4mfour at
Mon May 12 23:08:57 UTC 2003
Postdoctoral Research Fellow In Child Development
A postdoctoral fellow is needed to participate in ongoing, NICHD-funded
longitudinal research on cognitive and genetic correlates of math skills.
The appointment will be made through the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
Dept. of Psychiatry. Co-Investigator and colleagues involved with the
project are also in the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and the mail
Johns Hopkins campus (School of Arts and Sciences).
The fellow would contribute to one or more of the following: 1) an ongoing
study of cognitive phenotypes in school age children with one of several
specific genetic disorders (e.g., fragile X, Turner syndrome); or 2) a
normative study of math ability, and 3) a prospective longitudinal study of
math learning disability. The postdoc would have opportunities to work
directly with children, families, and/or in school settings; may also be
involved with related ongoing research on homonym interpretation, and will
have many opportunities for manuscript preparation.
The position would begin in 2003, for one to three years.
The candidate must have a Ph.D. in Psychology or a related area, training in
child development, interest in pre-school, elementary or middle school age
children, working knowledge of statistical analyses, documented writing
ability, and strong research skills. Interested parties are welcome to make
email inquiries.
To apply, please send cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters, and
sample reprints/preprints if applicable to:
Dr. M. Mazzocco,
3825 Greenspring Avenue
Painter Building Top Floor;
Baltimore, MD. 21211.
Email Address mazzocco at
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