Heather van der Lely
h.vanderlely at
Wed May 28 16:50:48 UTC 2003
Dear Colleagues,
A year ago Annette Karmiloff-Smith put out this notice (copied below) with
respect to labs studying G-SLI children. She told me that she had a HUGE
I would be very interested to hear from those of you who replied to this
message and are studying G-SLI or other relatively "pure" forms of SLI.
Similarly, references to existing papers on G-SLI, or possibly pre-prints
of new work would be most helpful.
Many thanks
Heather van der Lely
At 18:47 29/05/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>As many of you know, Heather van der Lely has reported some
>fascinating participants in her research suggesting the existence of
>a form of Grammatical Specific Language Impairment (G-SLI) in which
>children/adults show very specific grammatical impairments with no
>deficits in semantics/pragmatics nor in any other cognitive or motor
>domain of any kind. I am preparing a presentation on this topic and,
>to broaden the data base, I would be glad to hear from other
>laboratories studying SLI and looking in particular at cases of
>G-SLI. References to existing papers on G-SLI, or possibly
>pre-prints of new work would be most helpful.
>Many thanks
>Annette K-S
Professor Heather K. J. van der Lely
Centre for Developmental Language Disorders & Cognitive Neuroscience
Department of Human Communication Science,
University College London,
2 Wakefield Street,
London, WC1N 1PF
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 4047
Fax: +44 (0)207713 0861
e-mail: h.vanderlely at
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