Call: Second Lisbon Meeting on Language Acquisition
Ana Lúcia Santos
als at
Tue Oct 7 09:04:15 UTC 2003
Second Lisbon Meeting on Language Acquisition with special reference to Romance Languages
Date: 01-Jun-2004 - 04-Jun-2004
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Contact Email: LALisbonMeeting at
Meeting URL:
Call Deadline: 31-December-2003
Meeting Description:
The 2nd Lisbon Meeting on Language Acquisition with Special Reference
to Romance Languages takes place ten years after its first
edition. Each day of the conference will be dedicated to one of the
following topics within the field of language acquisition: (i) Language Development and Language Disorders; (ii) L1 Phonology; (iii) Bilingualism and Second Language; (iv) L1 Syntax.
Invited speakers:
Teresa Guasti (U. Milano-Bicocca)
Nina Hyams (UCLA)
José Morais (U. Libre de Bruxelles)
Michel Paradis (McGill U.)
Marylin Vihman (U. Wales, Bangor)
Jill de Villiers (Smith College, NY)
The conference will also include four pannel sessions organized by:
Katherine Demuth (Brown U.)
Michèle Kail (CNRS)
Jürgen Meisel (U. Hamburg)
Luigi Rizzi (U. Siena) & Teresa Guasti (U. Milano-Bicocca)
Call for papers:
Second Lisbon Meeting on Language Aquisition welcomes the submission
of abstracts on any area mentioned in the Second Lisbon Meeting 2004
page. Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed two pages
12pt (ideally one page for text plus one page for references and/or
figures). The author's name, address, e-mail and affiliation should be
given in a separate page; in this separate page, the author(s) should
mention whether they are submitting the abstract for a paper
presentation, a poster presentation or both. Submissions should be
sent both electronically (Word or PDF format; PDF is required if the
abstract contains special fonts/symbols) and by regular mail to the
following addresses:
Electronic address
LALisbonMeeting at
Regular mail
2nd Lisbon Meeting on Language Acquisition
Departamento de Linguística Geral e Românica
Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa
1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal
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