Roberta Golinkoff
roberta at UDel.Edu
Sun Oct 19 20:40:42 UTC 2003
Annette - tried this in France with French and got the same findings!
Golinkoff, R. M., & Markessini, J. (1980). "Mommy sock": The child's
understanding of possession as expressed in two-noun phrases. Journal
of Child Language, 7, 119-136.
On Saturday, October 18, 2003, at 07:38 AM, Ann Dowker wrote:
> The Norwegian social psychologist Floyd Rudmin wrote papers on this
> sort of topic in the 80s. E.g
> Rudmin, F. (1985). Historical perspective on the development of
> possessive
> pronouns. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 50, 298-299;
> where he quotes some early twentieth-century work.
> Ann
> In message <p05100308fffffa2f3bce@[]> Professor Annette
> Karmiloff-Smith <a.karmiloff-smith at ich.ucl.ac.uk> writes:
>> At what age do toddlers start saying "my/mine" etc. and, later, what
>> age do they understand the concept of property ownership? Please can
>> people point me to relevant research.
>> Many thanks
>> Annette
>> --
>> ________________________________________________________________
>> Professor A.Karmiloff-Smith, FBA, FMedSci, MAE, C.Psychol.
>> Head, Neurocognitive Development Unit,
>> Institute of Child Health,
>> 30 Guilford Street,
>> London WC1N 1EH, U.K.
>> tel: 0207 905 2754
>> fax: 0207 242 7717
>> http://www.ich.ucl.ac.uk/ich/html/academicunits/neurocog_dev/
>> n_d_unit.html
>> ________________________________________________________________
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph. D.
H. Rodney Sharp Professor
School of Education and Departments of Psychology and Linguistics
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
Office: 302-831-1634; Fax: 302-831-4110
Web page: http://udel.edu/~roberta/
Please check out our doctoral program at
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