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Marilyn Vihman m.vihman at
Mon Oct 20 15:34:25 UTC 2003

>DEar Members,
>Could anybody explain to me the difference between BILINGUALISM and
>BILINGUISM? Is there a technical difference between the two terms?

It looks to me as though the first term is English, the other is
French! -marilyn vihman

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   Marilyn M. Vihman		       |
   Professor, Developmental Psychology  |      /\
   School of Psychology                 |     /  \/\
   University of Wales, Bangor          |  /\/    \ \
   The Brigantia Building	       | /        \ \
   Penrallt Road	          	       |/   =======\=\
   Gwynedd LL57 2AS              	       |
   tel. 44 (0)1248 383 775	       | B A N G O R
   FAX             382 599              |
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