FW: Extended Deadline ARLA Vol. 4 Call for Papers: March 14th
Kelley Sacco
ks7t at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Feb 9 15:19:09 UTC 2004
> Extended Deadline ARLA Vol. 4 Call for Papers: March 14th
> VOL. 4 (2004)
> Editors
> Clartje Levelt, Leiden University
> Lynn Santelmann, Portland State University
> Maaike Verrips, Taalstudio, the Netherlands
> ARLA is devoted to research in the domain of first language acquisition,
> i.e., the process of acquiring command of a first language. It focuses on
> research reported in recently defended PhD theses. The major share of
> contributions to the yearbook consists of excerpts from, or edited summaries
> of, dissertations addressing issues in first language acquisition, including
> bilingual first language acquisition. These papers should be written by the
> original author of the dissertation, conform to the format of a journal
> article, and thus be comprehensible without reference to the source text.
> ARLA publishes reports of original research pertaining to various approaches
> to first language and bilingual first language acquisition, be it
> experimental, observational, computational, clinical or theoretical,
> provided that the work is of high quality. The Annual Review also welcomes
> studies in which first language acquisition is compared to second language
> acquisition, as well as studies on language acquisition under abnormal
> conditions. In all of the areas covered, ARLA is dedicated to creative and
> groundbreaking research.
> The yearbook, in its printed form, will be supplemented by an attractive
> website. The website will give access to electronic copies of the printed
> papers, but, more importantly, will also present background materials such
> as a resume for the author, excerpts of audio or video materials related to
> the reported research, tips for further reading, and links to relevant
> websites. In addition to the research reports sketched above, each issue of
> the Annual Review contains one state-of-the-art review in a subdomain of
> first language acquisition research. This paper is commissioned by the
> editors.
> Any student who has completed a dissertation in 2002 or 2003 is invited to
> submit a manuscript based on this work. In order to be eligible for
> publication, the manuscript should be of outstanding quality. Particularly,
> contributions are sought which excel with regard to the integration of
> behavioral data and (psycho)linguistic theorizing. More specifically, the
> Annual Review solicits papers which:
> * develop new theoretical ideas to account for a set of facts;
> * open up a new empirical domain or new set of data, e.g. explore a
> relatively unknown language, or apply a new or unknown experimental
> approach;
> * report findings that are considered important for pertinent debates
> in the field.
> Submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed by at least two members of the
> editorial board and/or external advisers.
> Deadline for submissions to the 2004 issue (Vol. 4): March 15, 2004
> Address for correspondence: Editors of ARLA
> UIL-OTS, Utrecht University
> Trans 10
> 3512 JK Utrecht
> The Netherlands
> For further information, write to: ARLA at let.uu.nl
> <mailto:ARLA at let.uu.nl> , or visit the journals section at www.benjamins.com
> ARLA Editorial Board
> Peter Culicover, The Ohio State University
> Katherine Demuth, Brown University
> Jeff Elman, UCSD
> Louann Gerken, University of Arizona
> Marco Haverkort, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
> Jack Hoeksema, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
> Angeliek van Hout, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
> Nina Hyams, UCLA
> Laurence B. Leonard, Purdue University
> Natascha Müller, Universität Hamburg
> Johanne Paradis, University of Alberta
> William Philip, Universiteit Utrecht
> Thomas Roeper, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> Petra Schulz, Universität Konstanz
> Ann Senghas, Barnard College
> William Snyder, University of Connecticut
> Daniel Swingley, Univerity of Pennsylvania
> Karin Stromswold, Rutgers University
> Jill de Villiers, Smith College
> ___________________________________
> 1. All manuscripts should be addressed to the editors. All submission
> letters must specify that the manuscript submitted is not under
> consideration elsewhere and has not been published elsewhere in this or a
> substantially similar form.
> 2. Contributions should be in English. If not written by a native
> speaker, it is advisable to have the paper checked by a native speaker.
> 3. No page other than the cover pages should give the author's name.
> The review of the manuscript will be anonymous.
> 4. Submit four double-spaced typewritten copies (preferably 12-point
> font) in conformance to APA style. The length of the manuscript should not
> exceed 10.000 words. Include author name, title, full mailing address,
> e-mail address and telephone numbers.
> 5. An abstract should be included. This should not exceed 200 words.
> 6. For the delivery of the final version, the article should be
> presented on disk and saved on IBM-PC compatible or Mac disk. Material
> should be saved in ASCII mode or 'non-document' mode, or 'text-only' mode.
> It should also be saved as a separate file in the author's normal
> word-processor format together with a note indicating the names of the word
> processor used. The format of the disk (PC or Mac) should also be labeled on
> the disk. An identical hard copy of the manuscript should be included.
> 7. References in text - follow APA style. Cite references by last name
> and year of publication. Three or more authors, cite complete names at
> first mention. Then use et al. If there are more than 7 authors use et al.
> first time. If there is more than one citation in text, list publications
> chronologically (Bellugi, 1971, Brown, 1968, Klima & Bellugi,1966).
> 8. Reference style - follow APA style, e.g., Single author works, list
> chronologically; co-authored works, list alphabetically and then
> chronologically; co-authored works (three or more authors) list
> chronologically. List all authors, last name first, followed by initials. Do
> not use et al. Spell out all journal names.
> 9. Sample references:
> Davies, I., Corbett, G., McGurk H. & Jerret, D. T. (1994). A
> developmental study of the acquisition of colour terms in Setswana. Journal
> of Child Language, 21, 693-712.
> Harris, T. & Wexler K. (1996). The optional-infinitive stage in
> child English: Evidence from negation. In H. Clahsen (Ed.), Generative
> perspectives on language acquisition. (pp.1-42). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
> 10. Essential notes (Footnotes/Endnotes) should be numbered in the text
> and grouped together at the end of the article. Diagrams and figures should
> not be embedded within the text. Hard copy of all figures must be provided
> along with any electronic files, for gray scales TIFF format is preferred,
> for line drawings EPS format.
> 11. A typescript not presented in accordance with these guidelines will
> not undergo the reviewing process. It will be returned to the author for
> appropriate modification.
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