Research Design -- drawing pictures or phtos ?
Roberta Golinkoff
roberta at UDel.Edu
Tue Dec 13 13:18:10 UTC 2005
We have found [Liu, J., Golinkoff, R. M., & Sak, K. (2001). One cow
does not an animal make!: Children can
extend novel words at the superordinate level. Child Development, 72,
1674- 1694], as had researchers before us, that whether you use
pictures or real objects really matters to young children on these
forced-choice triad tasks. It depends on children's age as the younger
they are, the more they need the richness and detail found in objects
--> photos --> drawings in that order. Also see [Golinkoff, R. M.,
Shuff-Bailey, M., Olguin, R., & Ruan, W. (1995). Young children extend
words at the basic level: Evidence for the principle of the categorical
scope. Developmental Psychology,
31, 494-507.] for more stimulus ideas and ideas on what in the forced
choice paradigm makes a difference for children showing taxonomic
Good luck!
On Dec 13, 2005, at 12:58 AM, UG, NCKU :)) wrote:
> Dear Info-CHILDES members,
> I'm now conduct a research in which normal hearing and
> hearing-impaired children's cognition will be tested respectively
> based on three constraints of lexical learning (shape, whole object,
> and taxonomic) by means of matching.
> When matching, the chidren have to pick one item from the two to match
> the standard one. One of the two items are shape-like as the standard
> one while the other has certain semantic relationship as the standard.
> Therefore, the following items is a set: Butterfly-Hair bow-Tiger, in
> which butterfly is the standard one.
> And my research question is,
> In the lexical development for hearing-impaired children in Taiwan, is
> the noun-category bias really a noun-shape bias?
> And the problem I come up with now is which kind of following material
> I sould use when conducting such experiments -- drawing picture or
> real photo?
> The previous literatures I have read adapt drawing pictures as
> materials.
> And the current research is mainly based on:
> Poulin-Bubois, D., Klein, B. P., Graham, S. A., & Frank, L. (1993). Is
> the noun-category bias a noun-shape bias? In E. V. Clark (Ed.), The
> proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual child language research forum
> (pp. 221-226). Stanford: Stanford Linguistics Association.
> !
> Many thanks.
> Best,
> Hsin-chin.
> Hsin-chin Wang
> Graduate Student
> College of Liberal Art
> Foreign Language and Literature Department, NCKU, Taiwan
> eugenew45 at
> eugenew.languag at
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Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph. D.
H. Rodney Sharp Professor
School of Education and Departments of Psychology and Linguistics
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
Office: 302-831-1634; Fax: 302-831-4110
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