responses to mislabelling

Fred Genesee genesee at
Wed Feb 23 15:10:13 UTC 2005

Jim: there is a long history of "mislabelling" objects to examine
differences in bilingual and monolingual children's awareness of the
arbitrariness of names for objects -- sometimes referred to as the
"sun-moon" task.  A  review of this material is included in Colin Baker's
book Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 3rd edition.
(Multilingual Matters).

Fred Genesee

At 03:46 PM 22/02/2005 +0000, James Russell wrote:
>Dear Colleagues,
>I vaguely recall there being research into young children's reactions
>when adults deliberately mislabel objects -- such as calling a cat a
>canary.  Can anyone enlighten me?
>Jim Russell
>Cambridge, UK
Department of Psychology					Phone: 514-398-6022
McGill University				              	     Fax: 514-398-4896
1205 Docteur Penfield Ave.
Montreal QC
Canada H3A 1B1

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