Research Officer vacancies
Matthew Saxton
M.Saxton at
Wed Jul 13 07:32:56 UTC 2005
Details below of a research project due to start in Autumn 2005 for which we are seeking two Research Officers. The project will apply insights on corrective input in typical language in the development of an intervention for children with language delay.
I would be happy to field any enquiries from potential applicants.
Matthew Saxton.
Corrective Input for Children with Language Delay: An Intervention Study
Salary on appointment £19,460 - £22,507 plus £2,323 London Allowance One appointment for two years from 1 October 2005, the other for one year from 3 January 2006 - job share considered
You will join the team on this ESRC-funded project, which will test an intervention for children with language delay. You will collect data (including the implementation of a language intervention), do quantitative data analysis (using SPSS) and write preliminary reports. The Research Officer starting in October will also find primary school age participants with significant language delays.
You will need a first degree or equivalent qualification in psychology, speech and language therapy or linguistics, together with experience of working with preschool or primary age children and the ability to carry out quantitative data analysis using SPSS.
For an application form and further details please ring 020 7612 6159 (24 hour answerphone) quoting reference R/PHD/9 or e-mail jobs at Textphone calls accepted via Typetalk (Typetalk users please call 18001 020 7612 6715 during normal working hours). Please, do not send CVs at this stage. Completed applications to be returned to the Human Resources Department, Institute of Education, University of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL by 22 July 2005.
Matthew Saxton MA, MSc, DPhil
School of Psychology and Human Development,
Institute of Education,
25 Woburn Square,
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7612 6509
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7612 6304
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