Michael Tomasello tomasello at eva.mpg.de
Sat Jun 11 13:02:48 UTC 2005

I'm sure everyone is looking forward to attending IASCL 2005 in Berlin
July 25 - 29.  The program is a very exciting one and can be seen at:


As president of the society, I would also like to alert all members and
other interested parties that at that meeting we will be soliciting
proposals for hosting the IASCL meeting in 6 years, in 2011 (the 2008
meeting is set for Edinburgh).  Anyone who might be interested in
hosting that meeting should bring at least some initial feasability
facts to the meeting and either talk to me personally or come to the
Business Meeting on Wednesday evening and express interest there (or
send me an e-mail if you won't be attending).  If there are multiple
reasonable proposals we will ask for more specific information after
that and things will be finalized within the next year or so.

Best wishes and hope to see everyone in Berlin,

Mike Tomasello
President, IASCL

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