Fwd: Call for Papers for ICDL 2006
Gedeon Deák
deak at cogsci.ucsd.edu
Wed Sep 14 19:56:16 UTC 2005
Please consider submitting your best work to this exciting
interdisciplinary conference. Also, please forward to other lists,
students, colleagues, etc. Thanks!
> From: Jochen Triesch <triesch at cogsci.ucsd.edu>
> Date: September 9, 2005 5:35:13 AM PDT
> To: deak at cogsci.ucsd.edu
> Subject: ICDL: Call for Papers for ICDL 2006
> ======================================================
> ICDL 2006
> International Conference on Development and Learning
> - Dynamics of Development and Learning -
> http://www.icdl06.org
> Indiana University Bloomington, May 31- June 3, 2006
> Call for Papers
> Paper Submission Deadline: Feb. 6, 2006
> Call for Invited Sessions Proposals
> Proposal Submission Deadline: Dec. 1, 2005
> Recent years have seen a convergence of research in artificial
> intelligence, developmental psychology, cognitive science,
> neuroscience and robotics, aimed at identifying common computational
> principles of development and learning in artificial and natural
> systems. The theme of this year^%G�%@ conference centers on
> development as a process of dynamic change that occurs within a
> complex and embodied system. The dynamics of development extend across
> multiple levels, from neural circuits, to changes in body morphology,
> sensors, movement, behavior, and inter-personal and social
> patterns. The goal of the conference is to present state-of-the-art
> research on autonomous development in humans, animals and robots, and
> to continue to identify new interdisciplinary research directions for
> the future of the field.
> The 5th International Conference on Development and Learning 2006
> (ICDL06) will be held on the campus of Indiana University Bloomington,
> May 31- June 3, 2006. The conference is organized with the technical
> co-sponsorship of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. The
> conference will feature plenary talks by invited keynote speakers,
> invited sessions (workshops) organized around a central topic, a panel
> discussion and poster sessions.
> Paper submissions (for details regarding format and submission/review
> process see our website at http://www.icdl06.org) are invited in these
> areas:
> - General Principles of Development and Learning in Humans and Robots
> - Neural, Behavioral and Computational Plasticity
> - Embodied Cognition: Foundations and Applications
> - Social Development in Humans and Robots
> - Language Development and Learning
> - Dynamic Systems Approaches
> - Emergence of Structures through Development
> - Development of Perceptual and Motor Systems
> - Models of Developmental Disorders
> Authors may specify preferences for oral or poster presentations. All
> submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published
> in a conference proceedings volume. Selected conference presenters will
> be invited to update and expand their papers for publication in a
> special issue on "Dynamics of Development and Learning" of the journal
> Adaptive Behavior (http://adb.sagepub.com/).
> ICDL precedes the conference "Artificial Life X" June 3-7, 2006, also
> held on the campus of Indiana University Bloomington
> (http://alifex.org). ICDL and ALIFE will share one day of overlapping
> workshops and tutorials on June 3.
> Organizing Committee:
> Linda Smith (Chair), Olaf Sporns, Chen Yu, Mike Gasser, Cynthia
> Breazeal, Gedeon Deak, John Weng.
Gedeon O. Deák, Ph.D.
Department of Cognitive Science
9500 Gilman Dr. (858) 822-3352
University of California, San Diego fax (858) 534-1128
La Jolla, CA 92093-0515 http://cogsci.ucsd.edu/~deak/
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