Third CFP and extended deadline: LCM2006 Paris
Jordan Zlatev
jordan.zlatev at
Mon Jan 16 15:44:30 UTC 2006
PARIS 17-20 JULY 2006
The second ‘Language Culture and Mind’ Conference (LCM 2) will be held
in Paris in July 2006, following the successful first LCM conference in
Portsmouth in 2004. The goals of LCM conferences are to contribute to
situating the study of language in a contemporary interdisciplinary
dialogue, and to promote a better integration of cognitive and cultural
perspectives in empirical and theoretical studies of language.
The second edition will be held at the École Nationale Supérieure des
Télécommunications (ENST), 46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris France.
Further information concerning the organization, fees and accommodation
(including affordable rooms at the Cité Universitaire Internationale de
Paris, at walking distance from the Conference site) will be provided
as soon as available at the site of the conference:
Deadline for submissions: January 30 (for further detail see
Notification to authors by March 30, 2006
Early registration by April 15, 2006
Human natural languages are biologically based, cognitively motivated,
affectively rich, socially shared, grammatically organized symbolic
systems. They provide the principal semiotic means for the complexity
and diversity of human cultural life. As has long been recognized, no
single discipline or methodology is sufficient to capture all the
dimensions of this complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which lies at
the heart of what it is to be human.
In the recent past, perception and cognition have been the basis of
general unifying models of language and language activity. However, a
genuine integrative perspective should also involve such essential
modalities of human action as: empathy, mimesis, intersubjectivity,
normativity, agentivity and narrativity. Significant theoretical,
methodological and empirical advancements in the relevant disciplines
now provide a realistic basis for such a broadened perspective.
This conference will articulate and discuss approaches to human
natural language and to diverse genres of language activity which aim
to integrate its cultural, social, cognitive and bodily foundations. We
call for contributions from scholars and scientists in anthropology,
biology, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, semiotics, semantics,
discourse analysis, cognitive and neuroscience, who wish both to impart
their insights and findings, and learn from other disciplines.
Preference will be given to submissions which emphasize
interdisciplinarity, the interaction between culture, mind and
language, and/or multi-methodological approaches in language sciences.
Topics include but are not limited to the relation between language and:
- biological and cultural co-evolution
- comparative study of communication systems, whether animal or
- cognitive and cultural schematization
- emergence in ontogeny and phylogeny
- multi-modal communication
- normativity
- thought, emotion and consciousness
- perception and categorization
- empathy and intersubjectivity
- imitation and mimesis
- symbolic activity
- discourse genres in language evolution and ontogeny
- sign, text and literacy
Plenary speakers
Pierre Cadiot (Linguistics, University of Orléans, France)
Merlin Donald (Cognitive Science Department, Case Western Reserve
University, USA)
Shaun Gallagher (Department of Philosophy & Cognitive Science Program,
University of Central Florida, USA)
Webb Keane (Anthropology Department, University of Michigan, USA)
Sandra Laugier (Philosophy, University of Amiens, France)
John A. Lucy (Department of Comparative Human Development & Department
of Psychology, University of Chicago, USA)
Further information about LCM 2 will be presented at
Caroline David (Université de Montpellier)
Jean-Louis Dessalles (École Nationale Supérieure des
Télécommunications, Paris)
Jean Lassègue (CNRS, Paris)
Victor Rosenthal (Inserm-EHESS, Paris)
Chris Sinha (University of Portsmouth)
Yves-Marie Visetti (CNRS, Paris)
Joerg Zinken (University of Portsmouth)
Jordan Zlatev (Lund University)
Iraide Ibarretxe Antunano (University of Zaragoza)
Jocelyn Benoist (Université de Paris 1)
Enrique Bernárdez, (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Raphael Berthele (Université de Fribourg, Switzerland)
Per Aage Brandt, (Case Western Reserve University)
Peer F. Bundgård (Aarhus Universitet)
Seana Coulson, (Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD)
Jules Davidoff (Goldsmith’s, University of London)
Jean-Pierre Durafour (University of Tubingen)
Michel de Fornel (EHESS, Paris)
Vyvyan Evans, (University of Sussex, Grande-Bretagne)
Dirk Geeraerts, (Department of Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgique)
Clarisse Herrenschmidt (CNRS-Laboratoire Anthropologie Sociale, Paris)
Chris Knight (University of East London)
Bernard Laks (Université de Paris 10-Nanterre)
Maarten Lemmens, (Université Lille III)
Lorenza Mondada (Université Lyon II)
François Nemo (Université Orléans)
Domenico Parisi (CNR, Roma)
David Piotrowski (CREA, Paris)
Stéphane Robert (CNRS, Paris)
François Rastier (CNRS, Paris)
Lucien Scubla (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Göran Sonesson (Lund, Semiotics)
John Stewart (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)
Frederik Stjernfelt (University of Copenhagen)
Wolfgang Wildgen (University of Bremen)
Submissions are solicited either for oral presentations or for poster
sessions. They will be reviewed by members of the International
Scientific Committee. Oral presentations should last 20 minutes (plus
10 minutes discussion). All submissions should follow the abstract
guidelines below.
Submissions should be in English. Abstracts should not exceed 1200
words (about two A4 pages), single-spaced, font size 12 pt or larger,
with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. Any diagrams and references must fit
on this two page submission.
Head material (at the top of the first page):
- Title of the paper,
- Author name(s),
- Author affiliation(s) in brief (1 line),
- Email address of principal author
- Type of submission (oral presentation, poster) PLEASE don’t forget to
Abstracts should be emailed to submission at as an ATTACHMENT
(i.e. not included in the message) preferably as a MS Word document,
but in PDF or postscript format if it is necessary to include a diagram
or figure.
Abstracts should be submitted by January 30, 2006. Notification of
acceptance by March 30, 2006. All abstracts will be reviewed by members
of the International Scientific Committee.
Jordan Zlatev, Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
Center for Languages and Literature
Lund University
Box 201
221 00 Lund, Sweden
email: jordan.zlatev at
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