2006 International Child Phonology Conference - Final Call for Papers
Pollock, Karen
karen.pollock at ualberta.ca
Fri Mar 17 04:29:36 UTC 2006
Yesterday (March 15) was the deadline for submission of presentation
proposals for the 2006 International Child Phonology Conference to be
held at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, June 16-17.
However, I understand that there was a glitch in our network server
mid-day yesterday, and that at least one person had difficulty getting
an email submission through to me.
I want to be sure that I didn't miss any other submissions, so am
extending the deadline to Monday, March 20. If you sent a proposal but
have not received an email confirmation from me, please let me know as
soon as possible.
The Call for Papers is copied below, and also on the conference website.
Please also visit the website
for information on registration, accommodations and travel, and links to
sites of interest to visitors to Edmonton and Alberta. The
pre-registration deadline is May 1.
Call for Papers
Child Phonology Conference
June 16-17
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
The 2006 Child Phonology Conference organizing committee invites you to
submit your recent research for presentation. Papers dealing with all
aspects of children's phonological development and disorders will be
considered. A maximum of two submissions per first author will be
accepted. Typically, papers are presented in 20-minute time slots with
5-10 minutes for questions. However, if the number of papers submitted
exceeds the total available time, some presentations will be converted
to poster format. Submissions will be accepted until March 15, 2006.
Submit the following:
- Title of Presentation
- Presenter Name(s) and Affiliation(s)
- Contact Information (preferred contact person, address,
telephone & fax numbers, email address)
- 250 word summary/abstract
- Also indicate if you are willing to consider either
platform or poster presentation format
Email to: karen.pollock at ualberta.ca
or Mail to: Karen E. Pollock, Ph.D.
Dept. of Speech Pathology & Audiology
2-70 Corbett Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2G4
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