Rice University job announcement
Katherine Crosswhite
crosswhi at rice.edu
Fri Nov 17 23:59:59 UTC 2006
Dear Colleagues,
Here is a job announcement for a 2-year teaching and research postdoc
that we are advertising this year. Please distribute to eligible
The Department of Linguistics at Rice University is now accepting
applications for a postdoctoral scholar in the field of child language
acquisition. This is a one-year position, renewable by mutual agreement
for a second year.
Responsibilities of the position include teaching one course per
semester and pursuing research. Position start date is July 1, 2007.
A Ph.D. in Linguistics, Psychology, or other pertinent allied field,
with primary specialization in child language acquisition, is required
before the position start date.
We especially welcome applications from researchers who share the
department's interest in approaching language from a usage-based
perspective with solid empirical grounding in primary data, especially
approaches of a cognitive, social-interactional, and/or functional
nature. See also our departmental web site at http://ling.rice.edu.
Although we will not be conducting formal interviews for this position
at the LSA meeting in Anaheim, representatives of the department will be
in attendance at the meeting and would be pleased to answer questions
about the position or our department.
Application materials include: cover letter, research statement, sample
of written work, past teaching evaluations (if available), and three
letters of reference. Application deadline is Jan. 15, 2007. Address
for application materials:
Child Lang. Acquisition Search
Department of Linguistics, MS-23
Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston TX 77005
Rice University is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity
in education and employment. Rice does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic
origin, age, disability or veteran status. Rice University is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
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