Lecturer position, Macquarie University, Sydney
Elisabeth Harrison
Elisabeth.Harrison at ling.mq.edu.au
Wed Oct 4 23:05:22 UTC 2006
Department of Linguistics
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Linguistics
(Speech and Language Pathology)
(Full-time (continuing))
Ref: 18894
The appointee will be responsible for teaching on the Master of Speech
and Language Pathology program (primarily Child Language Disorders;
other teaching dependent on expertise). The successful applicant will
also coordinate the clinical education program; develop clinical
teaching protocols; teach on clinically related components of the
course; plan, coordinate and conduct clinical research, including issues
related to clinical education. Supervision of research students is also
Essential Selection Criteria for Lecturer: A professional qualification
in speech pathology; experience in clinical supervision and strong links
with the clinical community; membership of Speech Pathology Australia
and familiarity with its competency based occupational standards for
speech pathologists; experience in teaching at a tertiary level; PhD; an
active research plan.
Desirable Selection Criteria for Lecturer: Familiarity with recent
developments in clinical supervision; experience in research supervision
at tertiary level.
Additional Essential Selection Criteria for Senior Lecturer: Strong
publication record in internationally refereed journals; demonstrated
ability to attract research funding; demonstrated impact on the
profession of Speech Pathology; experience in curriculum development;
experience in research supervision at a tertiary level
Additional Desirable Selection Criteria for Senior Lecturer:
Collaborative research experience at national and international levels
Applicants must indicate the level at which they are applying.
Package (Lecturer): From $76,253 pa, including (Level B) base salary
$64,435 to $ $76,407 pa, annual leave loading and 17% employer's
Package (Senior Lecturer): From $93,256 pa, including (Level C) base
salary $78,802 to $90,776 pa, annual leave loading and 17% employer's
The position is available on a full-time (continuing) basis, and will
be subject to probationary conditions. Selection criteria must be
addressed in the application.
Enquiries and further information: Dr Beth Armstrong on +61 2 9850 9183
or email
barmstrong at ling.mq.edu.au
The appointment is currently governed by the terms of the Macquarie
University Enterprise Agreement 2006-2009. The successful applicant will
be offered the choice of an Australian Workplace Agreement for this
Please visit www.jobs.mq.edu.au to apply online. Closing date: 30th
October 2006
Equal Employment Opportunity is a University Policy.
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