Query: The Pronoun Interpretation Problem in Child Language Development
bartsch at zas.gwz-berlin.de
bartsch at zas.gwz-berlin.de
Fri Feb 2 03:10:51 UTC 2007
Apologies for cross-posting
Dear all,
Having posted the summary on pronominal reference resolution, Id like now
to post a related query, this time concerning the so-called Delay of
Principle B Effect (DPBE) or Pronoun Interpretation Problem (PIP) in child
language development.
In one of the first studies on the issue, Chien & Wexler (1990) observed an
asymmetry in English-learning childrens pattern of acquisition of
intrasentential pronominal anaphora. Children showed an adult-like
interpretation of reflexives from at least age 3, but performed only at
chance level with personal pronouns up to age 7 the so-called DPBE or PIP.
Chien & Wexler also observed that children only performed poorly when the
potential antecedent was a referring nominal phrase (NP). When the potential
antecedent was a quantifier phrase, childrens performance was adult-like.
ON the other hand, this quantificational asymmetry has been challenged
Boster 1994; Grolla 2005; Matthews et al. submitted; Conroy et al. 2006
submitted). It has also been observed that PIP appears predominantly in
interpretation, but not in production (Bloom et al. 1994; Spenader et al.
2006; de Villiers et al. to appear), a finding not confirmed in other
studies (Matthews et al. submitted). A number of explanations have been
given to PIP, such as the pragmatic account (Chien & Wexler 1990; Thonrton &
Wexler 1999); the processing account (Reinhart 2000, to appear); and the
bidirectional optimisation account (Hendriks & Spenader 2004; Hendriks &
Spenader 2005/2006; Spenader et al. 2006).
What Id like to ask you is whether you can help me in my search of studies
on PIP. Ive already found a number of studies (listed below), above all for
English, Dutch, and some Romance languages. What Im especially looking for
is studies on children learning German, Russian, and (Brazilian or European)
Portuguese, as well as studies in bilingual and L2 acquisition. For Russian
and (Brazilian) Portuguese, Ive only found the studies by Avrutin & Wexler
(1992) and Grolla (2005), respectively, and none for German. Also in the
case of bilingual and L2 acquisition there seem to be only some studies:
Varlokosta & Dullaart (2001) and Sanoudaki (2003) for the former, White
(1998) for the latter.
Im especially interested in these languages and acquisitional
constellations, as well as in results concerning (i) age of occurrence and
resolution of PIP; (ii) the quantificational asymmetry; (iii) the production
vs. interpretation asymmetry; (iv) and also in explanatory accounts. But if
you hopefully happen to know any other studies than those listed below,
regardless of the language, acquisitional context and approach, Id be most
grateful if you let me know.
Many thanks in advance
Best wishes
Avrutin, S., & Wexler, K. (1992). Development of Principle B in Russian:
Coindexation at LF and coreference. Language Acquisition, 2(4), pp. 259306.
Baauw, S. (1999). The role of the clitic-full pronoun distinction in the
acquisition of pronominal coreference. In A. Greenhill, H. Littlefield, & C.
Tano (Eds.), BUCLD 23. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Boston University
Conference on Language Development, November 1998. Vol. 1 (pp. 3243).
Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Press.
Baauw, S., & Cuetos, F. (2003). The interpretation of pronouns in Spanish
language acquisition and breakdown: Evidence for the "Principle B Delay" as
a non-unitary phenomenon. Language Acquisition, 11(4), pp. 219275.
Baauw, S., & Delfitto, D. (2005). New views on reflexivity: Delay effects in
acquisition, cross-modular principle B and reflexive clitics in Romance.
Probus, 17(2), pp. 145184.
Baauw, S., Escobar, L., & Philip, W. (1997). A Delay of Principle B Effect
in Spanish-speaking children: The role of lexical feature acquisition. In A.
Sorace, C. Heycock, & R. Shillcok (Eds.), Proceedings of the GALA '97
Conference on Language Acquisition. Edinburgh: HCRC.
Bloom, P., Barss, A., Nicol, J., & Conway, L. (1994). Children's knowledge
of binding and coreference: Evidence from spontaneous speech. Language,
70(1), pp. 5371.
Boster, C. (1994). Children's failure to obey Principle B: Syntactic problem
or lexical error? In J. Abe, L. Ferro, L. Laporte-Grimes, D. Takahashi, & M.
Yamashina (Eds.), UConn Working papers in linguistics. Vol. 4. Storrs,
University of Connecticut.
Chien, Y.-C., & Wexler, K. (1990). Children's knowledge of locality
conditions in binding as evidence for the modularity of syntax and
pragmatics. Language Acquisition, 1(3), pp. 225295.
Conroy, A., Takahashi, E., Lidz, J., & Phillips, C. (2006, submitted). Equal
treatment for all antecedents: How children succed with Principle B.
Escobar, L., & Gavarró, A. (1999). On the delay of principle B-effect in the
acquisition of Catalan clitics. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Meeting
of the DGfS, Konstanz, February 24-26, 1999.
Grimshaw, J., & Rosen, S. T. (1990). Knowledge and obedience: The
developmental status of the binding theory. Linguistic Inquiry, 21, pp.
Grodzinsky, Y., & Reinhart, T. (1993). The innateness of binding and
coreference. Linguistic Inquiry, 24(1), pp. 69102.
Grolla, E. (2005). Pronouns as elsewhere elements: Implications for language
acquisition. Doctoral dissertation. University of Connecticut.
Hamann, C., Kowalski, O., & Philip, W. (1997). The French "Delay of
Principle B" Effect. In E. Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), BUCLD
21. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Boston University Conference on Language
Development, Boston, November 1996. Vol. 1 (pp. 205219). Somerville MA:
Cascadilla Press.
Hendriks, P., & Spenader, J. (2004). A bidirectional explanation of the
pronoun interpretation problem. In P. Schlenker, & E. Keenan (Eds.),
Proceedings of the ESSLLI'04. Workshop on Semantic Approaches to Binding
Theory, Nancy, France.
Hendriks, P., & Spenader, J. (2005/2006). When production precedes
comprehension: An optimization approach to the acquisition of pronouns.
Language Acquisition, 13(4), pp. 319348. Retrieved 21-Dec-06, from
Hestvik, A., & Philip, W. (2000). Binding and coreference in Norwegian child
language. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics,
8(3), pp. 171235.
Jakubowicz, C. (1984). On markedness and binding principles. Proceedings of
the North Eastern Linguistics Society 14 (pp. 154182).
Jakubowicz, C. (1993). Linguistic theory and language acquisition facts:
Reformulation, maturation or invariance of binding principles. In E.
Reuland, & W. Abraham (Eds.), Knowledge and Language. Vol. 1. From Orwell's
problem to Plato's problem (pp. 157184). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Jakubowicz, C., & Olsen, L. (1988). Reflexive anaphores and pronouns in
Danish: Syntax and acquisition. BUCLD 13 Proceedings.
Koster, C. (1993). Errors in anaphora acquisition. Doctoral dissertation.
Utrecht University.
McKee, C. (1992). A comparison of pronouns and anaphors in Italian and
English acquisition. Language Acquisition, 2(1), pp. 2154.
Matthews, D., Lieven, E., & Tomasello, M. (submitted 2007). Pronoun
co-referencing errors: Challenges for generativist and usage-based accounts.
Philip, W., & Coopmans, P. (1996). The double Dutch Delay of Principle B
Effect. BU Proceedings 1996.
Reinhart, T. (2000). Strategies of anaphora resolution. In H. Bennis, M.
Everaert, & E. Reuland (Eds.), Interface strategies. Amsterdam: Royal
Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Reinhart, T. (to appear). Processing or pragmatics? Explaining the
coreference delay. In T. Gibson, & N. Pearlmutter (Eds.), The processing and
acquisition of reference. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
Sanoudaki, I. (2003). Greek 'strong' pronouns and the delay of principle B
effect. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics, 7, pp. 103124
Sigurjónsdóttir, S., & Hyams, N. (1992). Reflexivization and logophoricity:
Evidence from the acquisition of Icelandic. Language Acquisition, 2(4),
Solan, L. (1983). Pronominal reference: Child language and the theory of
grammar. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Spenader, J., Smits, E.-J., & Hendriks, P. (2006). Coherent discourse solves
the pronoun interpretation problem. Unpublished manuscript.
Thornton, R., & Wexler, K. (1999). Principle B, VP ellipsis and
interpretation in child grammars. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
Varlokosta, S., & Dullaart. (2001). The acquisition of pronominal reference
by Greek-Dutch bilingual children: Evidence for early grammar
differentiation and autonomous development in bilingual first language
acquisition. In A. H.-J. Do, L. Dominguez, & A. Johansen (Eds.), BUCLD 25.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Boston University Conference on Language
Development, Boston, November 2000. Vol. 2. Somerville Mass.: Cascadilla
Villiers, J. de, Cahillane, J., & Altreuter, E. (to appear). What can
production reveal about Principle B? In K. U. Deen, J. Nomura, B. Schulz, &
B. D. Schwartz (Eds.), University of Connecticut Occasional Papers in
Linguistics: Vol. 4. The proceedings of the Inaugural Conference on
Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition - North America, Honolulu, HI.
(pp. 89100). University of Connecticut.
White, L. (1998). Second language acquisition and Binding Principle B:
Child/adult differences. Second Language Research, 14(4), pp. 425439.
Susanna Bartsch
bartsch at zas.gwz-berlin.de
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