Positions at Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Hong Kong
Anita Wong
amywong at hkucc.hku.hk
Tue Feb 6 06:15:58 UTC 2007
Dear colleagues,
We now have two new openings at the Division of Speech and Hearing
Sciences, University of Hong Kong.
We would be most grateful if you could help pass the word amongst your
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Anita Wong, Ph.D.
Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences
University of Hong Kong
Professors/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors
in the Faculty of Education
Applications are invited for the following positions in the Faculty of
Education, from as soon as possible, on a three-year fixed-term basis,
with the possibility of renewal.
The roots of the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong go
back to 1917. Today the Faculty is a multifaceted body responsible not
only for programmes in education at all levels but also for speech and
hearing sciences. Information about the Faculty can be obtained at
We seek candidates who will strengthen the Faculty's commitment to
excellence in teaching and research. Candidates should possess a Ph.D.
degree, a well-defined programme of research, interest in pursuing
external research funding and the ability to provide academic
leadership in their area of expertise. They will be expected to
supervise postgraduate research students and make a contribution to
cross-disciplinary teaching in the Faculty's programmes.
Speech and Hearing Sciences – (a) Professor/Associate Professor (Ref.:
RF-2006/2007-414) and (b) Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant
Professor (Ref.: RF-2006/2007-415)
Applicants should have demonstrated teaching expertise and evidence of
research productivity in one or more areas of human communication
and/or its disorders. This includes but is not limited to speech,
voice, language, swallowing, hearing, literacy, and perception, in
adults and/or children. Research with a clinical focus will be an
For posts (a), the appointments will be made under the Centenary
Recruitment Plan (CRP) and appointees who have demonstrated performance
will be considered for tenure during the second three-year contract.
Exceptionally outstanding candidates for these four posts could also be
considered for appointment on tenure terms. Information about the CRP
can be obtained at https://www.hku.hk/apptunit/
Applicants should indicate clearly which post and field (preferably
with reference number) they wish to be considered for.
Annual salaries will be in the following ranges (subject to review from
time to time at the entire discretion of the University):
Professor : HK$803,700 – 1,125,720
Associate Professor : HK$593,100 – 917,220
Assistant Professor : HK$451,980 – 698,520
(approximately US$1 = HK$7.8)
The level of appointment and salary will be commensurate with
qualifications and experience. The appointments will attract a
contract-end gratuity and University contribution to a retirement
benefits scheme, totalling up to 15% of basic salary, as well as leave,
and medical/dental benefits. Housing benefits will be provided as
applicable. At current rates, salaries tax does not exceed 16% of
gross income.
Further particulars and application forms (272/302 amended) can be
obtained at https://www.hku.hk/apptunit/; or from the Appointments Unit
(Senior), Human Resource Section, Registry, The University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong (fax: (852) 2540 6735 or 2559 2058; e-mail: ). Closes
April 20, 2007.
The University is an equal opportunity employer and
is committed to No-Smoking Policy
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