The 8thTokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP 2007)
Hitomi Murata
hitomi-murata at
Tue Jan 30 10:44:07 UTC 2007
Dear Colleague,
The Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies at Keio University
will be sponsoring the eighth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics
(TCP2007) on March 16 and 17, 2007 to be held at Kita-kan Hall,
Keio University, Mita.
The invited speakers are Prof. Thomas Roeper (University of
Massachusetts, Amherst) and Prof. Christopher Tancredi (University
of Tokyo).
Below you fill find the conference program.
For details, visit our web site:
Opening Yukio Otsu (Keio University)
10:05-10:50 (Long Presentation)
“Bilingualism and Cognitive Development: Evidence from Scalar
Michael Siegal (University of Sheffield, University of Trieste),
Ayumi Matsuo and Clair Pond (University of Sheffield)
Chair: Miwa Isobe (Keio University)
10:50-11:35 (Long Presentation)
“Non-Syntactic Factors in Processing the ‘Not-Because’
Ambiguity in English”
Yukiko Koizumi and Dianne Bradley (City University of New York)
Chair: Miwa Isobe (Keio University)
13:00:13:30 (Short Presentation)
“On the Existence of Subject Scrambling: An fNIRS Study”
Koji Sugisaki, Yukika Nishimura, Noriko Hattori, Yasushi Inokuchi,
Yoshihiro Nishimura, Mariko Ogawa, Waro Taki, Shinichi Unoh,
Tetsuro Yamamoto, Etsuko Yoshida, Seiki Ayano (Mie University)
and Yuji Okazaki (Mie University and Tokyo Metropolitan
Matsuzawa Hospital)
Chair: Tetsuya Sano (Meiji Gakuin University)
13:30-14:15 (Long Presentation)
“On Agreement and Movement”
Maria Garraffa (University of Siena)
Chair: Tetsuya Sano (Meiji Gakuin University)
14:35-15:05 (Short Presentation)
“An Economy-Based Analysis of Optional Movement in German”
Jiro Inaba
Chair: Akira Watanabe (University of Tokyo)
15:05-15:35 (Short Presentation)
“On the Syntax of Two Types of Transitive V-te ar- Constructions
in Japanese”
Masashi Nomura (Chukyo University)
Chair: Akira Watanabe (University of Tokyo)
15:35-16:05 (Short Presentation)
“A ‘Project Both’ Perspective on Head-Internal Relative Clauses”
Hiroki Narita (Sophia University)
Chair: Akira Watanabe (University of Tokyo)
16:20-17:20 (Invited Lecture)
“Multi-Model Modality”
Christopher Tancredi (University of Tokyo)
Chair: Hisatsugu Kitahara (Keio University)
Day 2 (March 17, 2007)
10:00-10:45 (Long Presentation)
“Scope Resolution and Overt Questions: A Test for the QAR”
Andrea Gualmini (McGill University)
Chair: Koji Sugisaki (Mie University)
10:45-11:30 (Long Presentation)
“How Different Can (It) Be for English and Japanese Children?”
Nigel Duffield, Ayumi Matsuo, Ruth Churchill and Gary Wood
(University of Sheffield)
Chair: Koji Sugisaki (Mie University)
12:30-14:00 Poster Session
“Experimental Crosslinguistic Constructions Reveal Universal
Principles in Language Acquisition”
Lamya Al-Abdulkarim (King Saud University)
“The Flexibility of Children’s Language Processing System”
Doreen Bryant (University of Tuebingen)
“Language Access and Mentalizing Abilities: Evidence from Bilingually
and Orally Instructed Deaf Children in Estonia, Sweden and Italy”
Marek Meristo, Kerstin W. Falkman, Erland Hjelmquist (Goteborg
University), Mariantonia Tedoldi, Luca Surian, (University of Trieste)
and Michael Siegal (University of Sheffield, University of Trieste)
14:00-14:45 (Long Presentation)
“Does Lexical Stress Constrain L2 Word Recognition?
Annie Tremblay (University of Hawai'i)
Chair: Yoko Sugioka (Keio University)
14:45-15:15 (Short Presentation)
“Acquisition of Telicity by Japanese Learners of English”
Keiko Kaku and Nina Kazanina (University of Ottawa)
Chair: Utako Minai (RIKEN Brain Science Institute)
15:15-15:45 (Short Presentation)
“The Definiteness Effect and the Universal Quantifier”
Luisa Meroni, Andrea Gualmini (McGill University) and
Stephen Crain (Macquarie University)
Chair: Utako Minai (RIKEN Brain Science Institute)
16:00-17:00 (Invited Lecture)
“Building Interfaces in Acquisition: Exhaustivity, Point of View,
and Implicatures"
Thomas Roeper (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Chair: Yukio Otsu (Keio University)
“What Happens If a Complex NP Universal Accommodates
Yukio Furukawa (McGill University)
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