GALA 2007 Barcelona
MariaTeresa Guasti
mariateresa.guasti at
Thu Mar 1 18:31:26 UTC 2007
Call for papers
GALA (Generative Approaches to Language
Acquisition) 2007 will be held in Barcelona,
hosted by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
between the 6th and the 8th of September, 2007.
Information is available at
Invited speakers:
Adriana Belletti (Università degli Studi di Siena)
Naama Friedmann (Tel Aviv University)
Marina Nespor (Università di Ferrara)
Josef Perner (Universität Salzburg)
Ken Wexler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
We invite submissions on first and second
language acquisition, bilingual acquisition,
language pathology, the acquisition of sign
language, and brain imaging research for
acquisition and pathology. Besides the main
session, two workshops will be held on
Subordination in language development
(organised by Uli Sauerland and Bart
Hollebrandse) and Phonological development: the
emergence of segments and the syllable (organised by Pilar Prieto).
Talks for the main session and the workshops will
be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes
discussion. At most one single-authored and one
joint abstract (or two joint abstracts) per
author will be considered. There will be two
poster sessions. Please indicate in your
submission whether you want your abstract to be
considered for the main session, a workshop, for
oral presentation, poster, or both. Submissions
should be sent to
<mailto:cg.gala2007 at>cg.gala2007 at, by a unique contact author.
Abstract guidelines
Abstracts should be at most two pages, with only
figures and references in the second. 12 point
Helvetica, single-spaced, should be used, with
2cm margins. An anonymous abstract and an
abstract with authors name/s and affiliation
should be send by email as Word or pdf
attachments (if special symbols are used, pdf
format is required). The abstract with name and
affiliation should be as follows:
Title (bold, left justified)
Authors name/s (left justified)
Affiliation (left justified)
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: March 15th, 2007.
Notification of acceptance: May 1st, 2007.
Prof.ssa Maria Teresa Guasti Ph.D.
Professor of Linguistics
Università di Milano Bicocca
Diprtimento di Psicologia
Via dell'Innovazione 10
20126 Milano
fax: 0264483788
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