PhD-position in Leiden
C.C.Levelt at
Tue Mar 20 09:01:03 UTC 2007
The Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) has a position
available for a
PhD student
For the project: Towards the template - the early vocal development
of songbirds and human infants.
The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to assess the
similarities in mechanisms underlying selective vocal learning in
human infants and songbirds (zebra finches) by running similar
experiments in both models. The project concentrates on the first
phase of vocal development, that of storing a representation of the
vocal input in memory. It will examine to what extend this process is
guided by unlearned initial perceptual biases, what these biases look
like and how the input affects the formation of a template that
precedes vocal production.
The project is a joint project of the research groups Behavioural
Biology (Institute of Biology Leiden) (
ibl/S8/) and the Department of Linguistics (ULCL) at Leiden University.
Requirements: Candidates are expected to have an MSc (drs) degree in
Biology, Cognitive Neuroscience or other relevant discipline, and to
have a strong interest in experimental and interdisciplinary studies.
Experience or qualifications in working with animal models will be of
Appointment: The appointment is for a period of 4 years and is
expected to lead to completion of a dissertation. The gross monthly
salary for a PhD candidate is €1956 in the first year and increases
progressively each year to €2502 in the fourth year. Salary and
fringe benefits conform to the Collective Employment Agreement for
Dutch Universities. We hope to fill the vacancy as soon as possible.
Applications: Written applications (mentioning reference number
7-092), including a CV with marks obtained and the names, telephone
numbers and email addresses of at least two referees (who have agreed
to be contacted) should be submitted to: Leiden University, Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, attn. mw L. den Hollander. P.O.
Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands, or by email:
l.den.hollander at Closing date: 15 April 2007.
Further information:
Prof dr Carel ten Cate, Behavioural Biology,
c.j.ten.cate at
Dr Claartje C. Levelt, Linguistics, c.c.levelt at .
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