two year post-doctoral position MPI for Psycholinguistics
Nanjo Bogdanowicz
Nanjo.Bogdanowicz at
Mon Oct 8 12:08:46 UTC 2007
Two year post-doctoral position
The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen, the
Netherlands) is offering a two year post-doctoral position in the field
of cognitive development/first language acquisition. The post is without
teaching responsibilities and comes with considerable technical support
and assistance for running experiments.
The candidate would work within the Categories and Concepts Across
Language and Culture project, which investigates variation and
constraints in semantic categories across languages and the relationship
between linguistic and non-linguistic representations. A focal area for
the project is the linguistic encoding of the senses across the world’s
languages, and current work examines whether some sensory modalities are
more readily expressed in language than others (e.g., is smell more
codable than color)? The candidate would be expected to contribute to
the project by conducting research on perceptual categorization in
children and/or on acquisition of language for different sensory
modalities. There are opportunities to collaborate with members of the
Acquisition group and Language & Cognition group. A background in
developmental psychology or first language acquisition is essential.
Experience with cross-linguistic work/fieldwork would be welcome, but is
not necessary.
Applications should include: a curriculum vitae, including a full list
of publications, the names of two referees who would be willing to write
letters of recommendation, examples of published work and a cover letter
describing research interests and how the candidate would contribute to
the Categories project.
Please send applications to Nanjo Bogdanowicz (Nanjo.Bogdanowicz at
For more information about the position,
email Asifa Majid (Asifa.Majid at
Deadline for applications is 1st November 2007, with a view to an
immediate start date (although the starting date is negotiable).
Nanjo Bogdanowicz
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
P.O.Box 310 Phone+31 (0)24 3521454
6500 AH Nijmegen Fax +31 (0)24 3521213
nanjo.bogdanowicz at
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