BUCLD 32 Pre-registration Announcement
ekapia at bu.edu
ekapia at bu.edu
Mon Sep 17 18:13:19 UTC 2007
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce that online pre-registration for BUCLD 32 is
now available at:
The 32nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development
will be held at Boston University, November 2-4, 2007. Our invited
speakers are:
Ellen Bialystok, York University
?Cognitive Effects of Bilingualism Across the Lifespan?
Keynote address, Friday, November 2 at 8:00 pm
William O?Grady, University of Hawai?i at Manoa
"Does Emergentism Have a Chance?"
Plenary address, Saturday, November 3 at 5:45 pm
Katherine Demuth, Brown University
Anne Fernald, Stanford University
Lee Osterhout, University of Washington
Discussant: Virginia Valian, Hunter College, and CUNY Graduate Center
?The Production and Processing of Grammatical Morphemes?
Lunchtime symposium, Saturday, November 3 at 12:15 pm
The Society for Language Development (SLD) will be holding its fourth
annual symposium on "Generalization in Language Learning" on Thursday,
November 1, in conjunction with the BUCLD meeting.
BUCLD 32 is offering online pre-registration and on-site registration
for this event.
Speakers: Janet Pierrehumbert of Northwestern University, Josh
Tenenbaum of MIT, Steven Pinker of Harvard University
More information on the SLD symposium can be found at:
BUCLD and SLD online pre-registration information is available at:
The full conference schedule is available at:
More information about BUCLD is available at our website:
We look forward to seeing you at BUCLD 32!
Heather Jacob, Harvey Chan, and Enkeleida Kapia
BUCLD 32 Co-organizers
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